Ken Henry faces investor backlash over ASX board spot

Outgoing National Australia Bank chairman Ken Henry is set to face shareholder opposition to his presence on the board of stock market operator ASX Limited,after leading advisory firms told investors they should consider voting against his re-election.

Dr Henry announced he would step down from his position at NAB after he was the subject of blistering criticism in the banking royal commission's final report.

In the wake of a dramatic resignation,former NAB Chairman Dr Ken Henry responds a scathing report handed down by Commissioner Hayne.

Institutional Shareholder Services,which advises large investors on how to vote on board positions and executive pay at company annual meetings,listed"governance failures"at NAB under Dr Henry's leadership as the reason its clients may consider rejecting his nomination to remain on the ASX Limited board.

Another leading advisory,CGI Glass Lewis,on Friday also described the banking royal commission findings on Dr Henry as"troubling"and reflective of a"less than open appearance"in the inquiry's hearings.

CGI Glass Lewis ultimately backed his re-election bid saying his decision to step down as NAB chairman demonstrated a commitment to acting in the best interests of shareholders.

But the firm said its clients may consider whether they wished to hold Dr Henry"nominally accountable"for the NAB issues"given such matters arose under his watch".

Outgoing NAB chairman Ken Henry is running for re-election as a director of ASX Limited.

Outgoing NAB chairman Ken Henry is running for re-election as a director of ASX Limited.Dominic Lorrimer

Other investor advisors including the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors and Ownership Matters are still weighing the issue and are yet to release their official recommendations.

An ASX spokesman said the company noted that Dr Henry would soon be stepping down from NAB,adding that the matters raised at the royal commission did not relate to his role as an ASX director.

"We believe that ASX shareholders recognise the difference between Ken’s role at NAB and his role at ASX,"the company said."Ken has been a very effective and conscientious ASX director. He brings valuable experience relevant to our business. His re-election is unanimously supported by the ASX board."

Dr Henry,a former Treasury secretary will step down from the NAB board in November.

The royal commission's final report in February criticised Dr Henry and former NAB chief executive Andrew Thorburn,saying they had not learned from past misconduct,particularly in NAB's wealth management arm where customers were charged $100 million in fees without providing services in return.

For Dr Henry to be pushed off the ASX board,more than 50 per cent of shareholders would need to vote against his re-election on September 24,which would be a major rebuke to the stock exchange operator's board.

Investors in ASX are expected to weigh Dr Henry's extensive experience against his performance at the royal commission,which he has admitted was flawed,and that he was feeling"defensive"at the time.

"I did not perform well. I really should have performed quite differently. I should have been much more open,"Dr Henry said in an interview in February.

Against this,some investors regard Dr Henry's attempts to shift NAB's culture as genuine and they argue he did not oversee any disastrous strategic moves at the bank.

Dr Henry's fellow non-executive directors who are not standing for re-election unanimously recommended backing the former Treasury secretary,citing his"extensive leadership and business experience"and his history as a top public servant.

The Australian Shareholders Association has not released its recommendation either. National Australia Bank declined to comment.

Nick Toscano is a business reporter for The Age and Sydney Morning Herald.

Clancy Yeates is deputy business editor. He has covered banking and financial services,and was previously national business correspondent in the Canberra bureau.

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