Telstra and Optus'week from hell was years in the making

Andy Penn announced plans to slash 8000 jobs on Wednesday. He was castigated by unions,admonished by politicians and shunned by investors as shares in the company he runs,Telstra,sank to within a whisker of record lows.

It's hard to think it could have been much worse. Yet it's debatable whether Penn even had the most difficult week in his industry.

Illustration:Joe Benke

Illustration:Joe Benke

Consider how the past few days have panned out for his counterpart at Optus,Allen Lew.

Optus was forced into a humiliating surrender of its World Cup streaming coverage,a key pillar of Lew’s overarching strategy. After failing to resolve ongoing technical problems with its broadcast,the No.2 carrier relinquished exclusivity over the prestigious tournament,at least for the group stages,to SBS.

Its brand was widely ridiculed (“Floptus” graced the cover of Sydney’sDaily Telegraph newspaper,and was all over social media). The company was in damage control all week as infuriated and ever-vocal football fans took aim.

The ghastly spectacle of the nation's two leading telcos in a race to the bottom spread well beyond the business pages this week.

For investors,the horror show raises a couple of key questions:Is the telecommunications business in some sort of fundamental death spiral,a commoditised shell of its former self?

Or is it just experiencing a cyclical lull,with intense competition following a period of under-investment leading to operational failures,and hurting returns,but only temporarily?

The industry is about to enter another phase of heavy investment ahead of the 5G era. Could sunnier days follow?

Penn,unsurprisingly,thinks so.

"We are about to transition to completely another level of technology innovation,"he told Fairfax Media this week."5G,at the same time as increasing computing capability,as well as software defined networking,and the internet of things.

In June,CEO Andy Penn announced an overhaul of Telstra,which would see the loss of 8,000 of employees over three years.

"You bring those four things together,this is going to transform every business,every industry,every nation. The opportunity there for economic value is very significant,but you are only going to be successful if you build the capability you need for the future."

Both Telstra and Optus are determined to be more than just"dump pipe"telcos,passively transporting traffic around the country and allowing bigger and more powerful tech companies to reap the rewards.

They have come up with different strategies to mitigate this risk:Telstra talked a lot about trainsforming itself into a world-class technology company. Optus embarked on an aggressive push into media,specifically live sport.

This week,both their plans came crashing back to earth.

'It's just laughable'

Telstra's annual investor day follows a similar pattern most years.

Hordes of investors,analysts and fund managers turn up at its imposing George Street offices in Sydney. They are ushered into a theatre,where the CEO and other senior executives present their plans for the year ahead.

Afterwards,the investors are walked through a dazzling array of technology demonstrations. This year,virtual-reality experiences of AFL content,and cellular-connected streetlights,waste bins and parking meters were among the things on display.

In part it is designed to illustrate Telstra's tech credentials,but that's not a message that's resonating with investors.

Forager Funds'chief investment officer Steve Johnson:'It's just laughable to call themselves a tech company and they don’t need to do that.'

Forager Funds' chief investment officer Steve Johnson:'It's just laughable to call themselves a tech company and they don’t need to do that.'Jessica Hromas

"It's just laughable to call themselves a tech company and they don’t need to do that. They can be a successful business without it,"Forager Funds chief investment officer Steve Johnson says."The demand for their services is always going to be there,but it's an infrastructure demand,not a technology demand."

To be sure,Telstra makes money (or hopes to make money) from selling internet connections for the aforementioned technologies. But the companies who actually own and operate them make much,much more.

This is significant.

In previous eras,if you were an Australian investor and you wanted exposure to the theme that technology was booming,Telstra was among the stocks you might buy.

Now,growth in global equities funds and stock trading platforms makes it easier to directly invest in actual tech companies,whose businesses are much more lucrative.

That the likes of Google,Microsoft,Apple and Amazon,which depend on internet connectivity,are now among the world’s biggest and most powerful companies has long been a source of frustration to the telco industry.

As Penn himself put it in an interview this week:"Demand for telecommunications has been growing very,very strongly over the past 10 to 15 years. A lot of economic value has been generated from that growth. But it's just that the telcos haven’t captured it."

Not everyone agrees.

"It's not as if they haven’t captured the value - they have enjoyed many decades of great operating history,"says Niki Scevak,a partner at Blackbird Ventures,which invests in early stage technology businesses."Telecommunications firms were one of the biggest winners from the rise of the internet.”

'How did telco providers,who were in the box seat,allow competing platforms from the likes of Google and Microsoft and Amazon to emerge and dominate?'asks Blackbird Ventures'Niki Scevak.

'How did telco providers,who were in the box seat,allow competing platforms from the likes of Google and Microsoft and Amazon to emerge and dominate?' asks Blackbird Ventures' Niki Scevak.Bloomberg

It is also a misdirected lament. Telstra's aspirations to become a tech company have been widely dismissed by investors. At the same time,investors believe the company and its telco peers missed a huge opportunity by largely ceding the lucrative field of cloud computing (storing data for companies on the internet,rather than on company-owned servers) to tech rivals.

“How did telco providers,who were in the box seat,allow competing platforms from the likes of Google and Microsoft and Amazon to emerge and dominate?” Scevak asks.

The answer to that probably has something to do with the position they were in for so long."These are monopoly businesses that have finally been exposed to competition,"Scevak says."The returns are only going to go down when that happens."

'We made a mistake'

While Telstra has for years talked up its tech credentials,Optus took a different approach.

In 2015,Optus and Lew surprised the Australian media industry and swooped tooutbid Foxtel (at the time 50 per cent owned by Telstra) to acquire English Premier League rights.

A few months later,Optus struck a deal with a cash-strapped SBS (hit by cuts to its 2014 budget) for World Cup rights. Under the deal,Optus would stream every game of the World Cup online,while SBS would simulcast one game a day during the group stages,including all Socceroos matches.

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Up until now,the strategy has worked. Optus has added nearly 769,000 customers over the past two years,gaining significant ground on Telstra.

The company decided to open up its World Cup coverage to anyone who would pay for it. Evidently,its bet that many consumers would take it up on this offer was the right one.Somehow,though,it actually underestimated demand,and failed to prepare adequately for its coverage.

Optus chief executive Allen Lew:'We are not perfect,we made a mistake.'

Optus chief executive Allen Lew:'We are not perfect,we made a mistake.'Paul Jones

All of which would make this week’s events especially difficult for Lew to stomach.

"I don't have any regrets about spending it,"Lew said of his investments in content this week on one of two emergency briefings with the media."We've created some very significant differentiation with what we have done with live streaming sports,we are not perfect,we made a mistake”.

In an interview with Fairfax on Sunday,Lew guaranteed the issues with Optus'World Cup broadcasts would be resolved that evening. They weren’t.

The next day,he made a similar noises in a call with the Prime Minister. By that afternoon,Optus had embarrassingly agreed to share coverage with SBS for two nights. By the end of the week,it had extended that arrangement by another 10 days,until the end of the group stages on June 29.

Communications Minister Mitch Fifield says Optus needs to deliver what it promises to its customers after it failed to successfully stream coverage of the World Cup to all users.

The carrier offered affected customers free"Fetch"set-top boxes,only to be met with anger about shortages in stores. Ultimately,it was forced to offer full refunds. It has also made its streaming platform available for free to anyone in Australia until August.

Despite the shambolic situation,Lew was putting on a brave face. "I've got no regrets about it. I think business is all about taking risks. In an industry like ours you have to be bold,and we hope the consumers involved who think we've moved in a bold fashion,we've collected and we've come back strong."

The question is whether the broader public (many of whom conceivably might have been subscribing to an Optus service for the first time) agree.

Who'll blink first?

Telstra and Optus are fierce competitors. They have waged countless battles in court over advertising,fought over customers,devices and who has the best network . For a while they were even racing each other down streets with their own pay TV cables.

This week,they took their competition to new,absurdist lows.

But as the dust from this incredible episode settles,they will resume hostilities on more traditional grounds - the next generation of ultra-fast mobile services.

The 5G mobile standard is expected to be up to 10 times as powerful as 4G. It is expected to power smartphones and tablets but also a range of other everyday objects (including the streetlights and waste bins Telstra showed off) - the so-called'internet of things'.

For Optus,5G offers a chance to regain credibility in the market.It's expected to have an offering up and running before Telstra,and it will be determined to ensure"Floptus"doesn't come anywhere close to emulating the Vodafail disaster that almost destroyed the Vodafone brand in Australia.

Andy Penn at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas earlier this year.

Andy Penn at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas earlier this year.supplied

"In three years'time,we'll be renowned for not just having a premium mobile network that covers Australians,but we will also have content that engages them,"Lew said this week.

Telstra will he hoping that patience is a virtue. 5G devices aren’t expected to be on sale for a couple more years.

As part of the new strategy Penn unveiled this week,Telstra will sacrifice $500 million in revenue in an attempt to hang on to its strong position in mobiles. Among other things,it will eliminate excess data charges.

Telstra's mobile strategy isn't purely defensive. Under the terms of its deal with the federal government,it isn't allowed to advertise its wireless networks as a potential competitor to the national broadband network.

But it went about as close to doing that as it possibly could this week,pointedly noting that it expects the proportion of wireless-only households in Australia could double from a current 15 per cent to as much as 30 per cent.

Telstra is in effect hoping that by slashing costs and staying aggressive on pricing in the mobile market it can keep the pressure on its competitors,and their investors. As in any price war,it's a question of who blinks first.

The added complication for the telco business is it requires heavy investment,as this week's technical failures (Telstra's network also went down on the eve of its strategy day) attest. Price is only part of the equation - people want a service that works.

"I think something that is really important for investors to realise is,this business needs a lot of investment,it's very capital intensive,"Forager's Johnson says. "Nobody has as many customers as Telstra,and no one else can afford to spend the money they can. So they should be able to build a piece of infrastructure that is better than anyone else can build."

It was undoubtedly a tough week for Penn,but he at least had the luxury of knowing,going into it,that it would be like this. Telstra's job cuts were planned weeks ago.

As for Lew,he was completely blind-sided. His bet on live sport in a sense worked even better than he could have imagined,but the infrastructure underpinning it wasn't up to scratch.

This time 10 days ago,before the World Cup began,he may well have thought he’d be sitting pretty right now,basking in the glow of a winning strategy. But like Telstra's tech aspirations,Optus might have got ahead of itself,and forgot the fundamentals.

"We are here for the long term,"Lew said this week."And our long-term vision is,at the end of the day,we have a premium mobile network with premium sports content.

"Yes this[was a] stumble,"he said on a media call."But we learned some very important lessons and we will be the better for it. Our strategy remains robust,our product remains robust ... and I'm sure when Australians try the product they will see it is better."

With Benjamin Ansell.

John McDuling is National Business Editor for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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