TPG beats Telstra,Optus on first national NBN speed test

TPG Telecom has come the closest of the major telcos to delivering customers the national broadband network speeds they are paying for in the busy evening period.

Aftersoaring complaints about NBN internet performance in the past 12 months,the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) tested the speed of 400 NBN and ADSL services offered by 10 different providers.

Speed tests undertaken by the ACCC have proven positive for TPG Telecom.

Speed tests undertaken by the ACCC have proven positive for TPG Telecom.Glenn Hunt

TPG was found to deliver 90.7 per cent of the maximum"busy hour"speeds promised under its plans. This busy period from 7pm-11pm is when many people are trying to access the internet,typically causing congestion and lower speeds.

Telstra and iiNet were above 80 per cent. Optus was the lowest of the four recorded,at 80.7 per cent. Across all services tested,5 per cent operated below 50 per cent of their promised plan speed.

ACCC chairman Rod Sims told Fairfax Media the results would have been “very different” if the test was undertaken in early 2017,when speed-related complaints peaked.

“We were of the view that the main cause of the[speed] problem was the telcos not buying enough capacity,” Mr Sims said.

Since then,theNBN Co has aggressively discounted the price telcos pay for additional bandwidth.

Mr Sims said fibre-to-the-node (FTTN) customers were among the most affected,having been sold high-speed plans that were not achievable on their connection. While NBN plans go up to 100Mbps in download speed,the minimum speed all homes are required to reach is 25Mbps.

“The NBN FTTN really struggles at 50Mbps and 100Mbps,and yet[the telcos] were selling that. They could check,but they didn’t check,they just kept on getting the money,” he said.

They could check,but they didn’t check,they just kept on getting the money.

ACCC's Rod Sims

Telstra,TPG Telecom,iiNet andOptus were among telcos ordered by the ACCC to provide remedies for thousands of customers paying for unachievable speeds. They have also been required tospeed-test connections after signing customers up to make sure they’re get what they are paying for.

TPG Telecom chief operating officer Craig Levy was pleased with the results,saying they matched up with its internal data.

“We’re an engineering company,” Mr Levy said,pointing to its comprehensive network of dark fibre and international fibre as major reasons for its ability to provide the speeds. “It’s great to see us above the incumbents ... we have demonstrated we provide a premium product at a cheaper price."

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An Optus spokeswoman said its customers were “achieving a high level of download and upload performance”.

“We will analyse the ACCC’s initial results,including its findings around the impact of the different technology mixes,and apply any learnings to our service."

A Telstra spokesman said the report was based on “a limited set of data which means that minor variations may not be statistically significant”. The ACCC disputes this,saying all the results in the report are valid – including for the individually named brands.

Lobby group Australian Communications Consumer Action Network chief executive Teresa Corbin said more information about other retailers was needed.

Other internet providers are expected to be measured in future reports,provided there are enoughvolunteers with different telcos to provide a sample. A spokeswoman for the NBN Co said the results aligned with its internal data,showing bandwidth congestion had reduced from four hours a week to 12 minutes a week since November.

Jennifer Duke was an economics correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

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