'Undermining confidence':Farmers back Roundup despite US cancer claim

Australian farmers have backed the weed killer glyphosate,saying it has revolutionised farming while delivering environmental benefits including reduced soil erosion,less diesel consumption and better moisture conservation.

They have urged people to respect the decisions of the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA),which this week said that glyphosate products registered with them"are safe and effective if used according to the label directions".

Bottles of Roundup at a manufacturing facility in Europe.

Bottles of Roundup at a manufacturing facility in Europe.Jasper Juinen

Glyphosate,a weed killer used widely around the world on farms and in gardens,is under scrutiny after a US jury this week ruled unanimously that the glyphosate-based weed killer Roundup was a"substantial factor"in causing the cancer of a California man.

Shares in Bayer,which manufactures Roundup,plummeted in Europe on Wednesday following the US suit.

NSW Farmers Association president James Jackson said:"I think it's[the US ruling] undermining confidence in one of the really basic tools that we use in agriculture in this country."

"It (glyphosate) has meant that country is ploughed less,it has meant that water is conserved for longer in the ground...it's meant that we've been able to manage weed incursions,it's meant that we can prevent soil erosion by less ploughing,"he said.

Australian scientists also backed glyphosate,with a Melbourne University chemist warning that if glyphosate-based herbicides were to be suddenly removed from the Australian market,farmers would be left with herbicides that were not as"soft"as glyphosate.

"Glyphosate is non-persistent,it's destroyed once it gets into the soil for instance,so it doesn't go migrating everywhere and killing other peoples'plants,"said Ian Rae,an honorary professorial fellow at Melbourne University's school of chemistry.

Professor Rae said the US court move would"add to the pressure from people who don't understand the science,but who would like to see a cause for their illness. People like to see causes,and chemical causes are quite popular."

He also said:"These cases in America where the courts are deciding,there's a lack of science in them."

Emeritus Professor Ivan Kennedy from the University of Sydney,who has researched environmental risk management of agrochemicals,said he had"spent a lot of time reassuring farmers they have nothing to fear from glyphosate".

I don’t think a court of law can establish scientific truth.

Emeritus professor Ivan Kennedy,University of Sydney

He said glyphosate,which is broken down in soil to phosphate,ammonium and carbon dioxide,"is one of the least likely compounds to be carcinogenic that I can think of,because it's made up of three very simple substances which are common parts of our metabolism".

"I think theWHO[World Health Organisation] agency made a mistake when they said it was probably carcinogenic,"he said."They had no proper basis for that,and certainly no evidence."

He said the adjuvants in Roundup - which are additional substances that enable glyphosate to penetrate into plants and be activated - were"far more likely to be toxic".

"I don’t think a court of law can establish scientific truth,"Professor Kennedy said.

He also issued a stark warning about what could happen as a consequence of the thousands of court cases now underway in America concerning Roundup.

"What may happen is the chemical will disappear simply because the companies manufacturing it can’t afford the risk from these kind of legal actions.

"The outcome will be that we will have to use less effective chemicals for which there are not 40 years’ experience with no bad effects,more of them,and at a greater cost in terms of food and products. That will be more risky to the human population,"he said.

Federal agriculture minister David Littleproud said the APVMA had assessed all available scientific evidence and concluded that when used properly,glyphosate was a safe product to use.

"Whilst I note the US court activity with interest,I have faith in the independent APVMA as regulator and I’m sure they’re watching this closely,"he said.

Darren is the mining and agribusiness reporter for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

Natassia Chrysanthos is the federal health reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

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