Entrepreneurs:mostly just fleeing a crappy job?

Many entrepreneurs are drawn to business ownership like a magnet,an irresistible pull that often preoccupies their mind even in high school. For other entrepreneurs it’s less of a pull and more of a push. Or more of a kick. They feel forced into business ownership because of events that disrupt their career;events that prompt a bitter and hurried exit from the world of salaried employment.

Many entrepreneurs are drawn to business ownership like a magnet.

Many entrepreneurs are drawn to business ownership like a magnet.Supplied

Sure,there’s a risk they’ll end upregretting their fresh start as a startup and might have to enduretheir boss’s resentment for longer than they’d like,but ultimately they discoverlife as an entrepreneur is really very good,with happiness and wellbeing two of the most uplifting outcomes.

But back to that brutal kick.

Empirical research has already proven much of staff attrition is precipitated by some kind of shock. People can tolerate crappiness at work for quite a while until something happens of such magnitude they suddenly give up and give in. They’re immediately on the phone to recruiters,browsing job boards and updating their headshot on LinkedIn.

New research confirms that’s also the case with those who abandon not only their job but paid employment altogether.

The scholars,whose findings are due to be published soon in theJournal of Applied Psychology,began with the premise that many of us may dream about entrepreneurship and talk about it with friends and family but very few act on these aspirations. Because of “inertia”. Making a change demands too much effort. It’s easier to just do nothing;to simply tolerate and grumble.

To snap out of that inertia requires something serious to occur,something no amount of tolerating and grumbling could pacify. The scholars,by analysing 226 full-time employees over a period of six months,have identified four of those somethings.

The first of the four shocks,experienced by 20 per cent of the participants,is associated with money,specifically being denied a pay rise or receiving one lower than the value they believe they’ve contributed to the organisation. Likewise when it comes to bonuses.

Somewhat related but far more aggravating is the second type of shock – a cut in remuneration – though that affected fewer individuals at only 9 per cent. Remuneration,by the way,isn’t just monetary. In this study it encompassed any type of benefit prized by employees.

They were,however,more inclined to be affected by significant organisational change with 20 per cent of respondents declaring an impending restructure or a major shift in strategic direction was sufficiently destabilising to justify the launch of their own venture.

The final factor at only 5 per cent was to have a business idea rejected or ignored by the powers that be,thereby prompting a prompt farewell.

In summarising their conclusions,the researchers emphasise any one of the four can “trigger” an employee to re-evaluate their current situation because these events are “particularly discouraging and ego-threatening”. (Curiously,being denied a promotion or,worse,being laid off were not ego-threatening or triggering enough to warrant a move into self-employment.)

If you’re a manager and feel your hands are tied,there are several suggestions arising from the fact shocks are “to some extent a subjective phenomenon” which means it’s possible to pre-empt and modify an employee’s perception before it’s unmodifiable. That can be achieved by giving advanced warning so its unexpectedness is diminished and framing the news in comparative terms so it appears less unusual.

But sometimes there’s no sugar-coating it. The news is going to sting no matter what. Which is why there’s merit providing plenty of contextual information to aid understanding,making psychological support available to ease the pain and creating avenues for staff to “express their entrepreneurial identity within the organisation,perhaps by allowing them to engage in innovative pursuits”.

Otherwise known asintrapreneurship.

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