How we can all do our bit to help small businesses

City Editor

When we emerge,blinking into the sunlight after what may be months of self-isolation,we need to make sure there are still small businesses around.

Small businesses across Australia are hurting right now,with the coronavirus pandemic hitting the smallest traders the hardest.

Neighbourhood Books owner Leesa Lambert has closed her store but now offers home delivery by bike or van to the local area.

Neighbourhood Books owner Leesa Lambert has closed her store but now offers home delivery by bike or van to the local area.Justin McManus

Every day I speak to business owners who have had to make the heartbreaking decision to shut their doors,stand down staff and watch their own income dwindle to nothing.

The government relief available is very limited and is not going to be enough for many businesses.

Unless we want to go outside in a few months time and find all that remains are the big supermarkets and online delivery giants,we need to think about how we can support small businesses through Australia's shutdown.

Many people have lost their jobs and businesses and are barely surviving,but for those of us who do have a job or income there are some things we can do to help small businesses while still isolating ourselves.

We can do our essential shopping at a small business rather than a big supermarket. Independent fruit and vegetable stores,butchers and bakers are all still trading and are less crowded than supermarkets,so,potentially a safer place to shop.

When shopping online we can look for small businesses. From books to clothes and even those essential jigsaw puzzles,small businesses have us covered.

Instead of just searching for product names on Google,we can first try searching for the names of businesses in our local area when shopping online. Small businesses don’t have the same search optimisation as larger businesses and are therefore unlikely to come up in the first page of a general search.

If local businesses don’t have an online store (a survey by Yellow last year found 28 per cent of Australian small businesses don’t even have a website),there’s always the option of giving them a call and putting in a phone order.

If a small business website doesn’t look completely slick and professional,we need to be patient and try to bear in mind that they may have scrambled to get online.

Social media can be a great way to discover small businesses to support and buy from.

On Instagram @WeAreOpenNow is creating a movement supporting local businesses still open and doing takeaway or home delivery. The account spotlights restaurants and hospitality businesses and is creating a searchable directory online of local restaurants still open in your postcode.

There’s also @savingplates which connects people with top-end restaurants now doing takeaway and delivery.

Earlier this year,Turia Pitt and Grace McBride created @SpendWithThem on Instagram to support bushfire-affected small businesses. The account is continuing to support these rural towns,many of which are being hit by a second crisis in as many months but is also focusing on small businesses across Australia impacted by coronavirus.

When ordering takeaway food,we can try ordering directly from restaurants and picking up or seeing if they offer delivery rather than just logging on to Uber Eats or Deliveroo.

These restaurant platforms take a large commission,up to 30 per cent off restaurants,and ordering directly means much more of that badly needed cash goes directly to the restaurant or cafe.

Buying a gift voucher for small businesses that we used to frequent,such as hairdressers,restaurants or beauticians,allows these businesses to maintain some cashflow through the shutdown.

Similarly,continuing to pay for gym or fitness class memberships and using local fitness providers for any online classes is another way to try to help keep these businesses afloat.

If money is tight,leaving an online review for small businesses can give them a boost during this trying time.

We need to show small businesses we care about them and every little bit helps.

FollowMySmallBusiness onTwitter,Facebook andLinkedIn.

Cara Waters is the city editor for The Age.

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