Rise of the'intrapreneur'

Many entrepreneurs reading this would remember what it was like working for an employer. The eagerness to get out and do your own thing,the frustration of answering to a hierarchical boss,the hunger to strike it rich in business…

And chances are,there are employees feeling the same way in your team today.

Make sure your entrepreneurially minded employees don't head for the door.

Make sure your entrepreneurially minded employees don't head for the door.

Plenty of them will take the plunge. They’ll start up their own business,quietly on the side perhaps,and then once their venture accumulates sufficient revenues,they’re out the door.

But then there are the others. For whatever reason,their entrepreneurial ambitions remain an unfulfilled dream. Their inclination for innovation,though,is still present,and it can be utilised at work. That’s what intrapreneurship is all about.

Coined in 1978 by Gifford Pinchot,intrapreneurship refers to employees who act like entrepreneurs,but rather than doing it for their own enterprise,they do it for their employer. Without being prompted,they generate initiatives,devise new ideas and products and implement creative changes. Their employer embraces this innovation by creating an environment in which it can flourish.

Today,Mr Pinchot is the president of the Bainbridge Graduate Institute,a post-graduate MBA school in the United States. I asked him whether it’s risky for a business to employ an intrapreneur. After all,if anyone’s going to be a flight risk,surely it’s going to be the restless employee with entrepreneurial aspirations.

“First of all,” he said,“these managers have already hired intrapreneurs because the propensity for intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship is present in about 10 per cent of the population. So,it’s likely there are already people there with those tendencies.

“Secondly,intrapreneurs don’t tend to leave the organisation until their ideas have been blocked repeatedly. So long as managers support and respect the intrapreneurs,and so long as the intrapreneurs think they will be able to do new and innovative things inside the company,they will probably stay.”

In one of his studies,Pinchot conducted in-depth interviews with over 100 entrepreneurs who’d fled from a previous employer to do their own thing. In every case,the story told by the entrepreneurs was the same. When they were merely employees working for a boss,their ideas were continuously killed by upper management until eventually they’d had enough.

Regardless,it can’t be easy being the manager of an intrapreneur. Big companies tend to value conformity,but that’s an aspect of corporate life that intrapreneurs shun. Intrapreneurs break the rules,think differently,and challenge norms. That kind of stuff can be a nightmare for a conventional manager to manage.

You’ve got no choice,warned Pinchot. In countries with an advanced economy,the only way to compete in the global marketplace is via innovation.

“I discovered there is no system which creates an environment of innovation,” he said. “There are no structures or processes to put in place.

Intrapreneurship refers to employees who act like entrepreneurs,but rather than doing it for their own enterprise,they do it for their employer.

"Innovation is inevitably the result of an intrapreneur who has the drive and courage to push forward,and one or two sponsors who provide the resources to enable that intrapreneur to move ahead. Exceptional leaders create a bubble of protection around a specific intrapreneurial team. That’s the formula for success.”

There might be intrapreneurs reading this who don’t want to start their own business,but are constrained in the workplace by an unresponsive boss. The question becomes:how do these intrapreneurs influence the powers-that-be to get more leeway?

Pinchot advised:“I would suggest that the place to look for a sponsor is not necessarily your manager or in your chain of command. Sponsorship often comes from outside the chain of command. You can get sponsorship from staff groups,from other functions[departments],and the effective intrapreneur builds up several sponsors in different areas of the organisation,and their collective voice converges on whoever is blocking the way.”

Support for intrapreneurship even comes from Richard Branson. In an article he wrote forEntrepreneurmagazine earlier this year,he stated:“Virgin could never have grown into the more than 200 companies it is now,were it not for a steady stream of intrapreneurs who looked for and developed opportunities,often leading efforts that went against the grain.”

Because,often,the real leaders in an organisation are leaders in nature,not in job title.

Follow James Adonis onTwitter@jamesadonis

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