Uncertainty over research tax incentives reigns as scheme tightened

Australian startups say there’s still uncertainty over what qualifies as “research and development” for tax purposes and legislation that aims to change tax incentive claims won't help matters.

More than$2.4 billion of savings from changes to the research and development tax incentive program were outlined in the May budget. These changes are now working their way through parliament after the government attached them to a tax bill to fight multinational tax avoidance two weeks ago.

Telix Pharmaceuticals Christian Behrenbruch.

Telix Pharmaceuticals Christian Behrenbruch.Elke Meitzel

The tax offsets scheme was marked for review after a treasury report on the system suggested placing caps on the amount that could be claimed.

The legislation currently before the House of Representatives makes a number of key changes that affect how much companies can claim and how their research spending is scrutinised.

For companies with turnover of $20 million or less,it caps the cash refunds available for research and development at $4 million. It also changes the tax offset rate for these companies from a flat 43.5 per cent to their corporate tax rate,plus 13.5 per cent.

Prior to this businesses with turnover of $20 million or less could apply for an unrestricted cash refund of 43.5 cents for every dollar spent on research and development activities.

And while the changes have been in the wings for some time,those in research-heavy sectors like biotech say the caps don't inspire confidence.

“I think[the aim] should have been to have a more effective policing method of the scheme,rather than kneecapping it the way they did. For biotechs,$4 million doesn’t get you very far… and for those in their earliest stage of development,it’s going to hurt them,” says Telix Pharmaceuticals chief executive,Christian Behrenbruch.

Telix is developing a range of radiation products to be used in treating prostate,kidney and brain cancer. In 2017,it told investors it had received more than $460,000 in cash receipts from the R&D tax incentive scheme.

The cap does not extend to the costs of clinical trials. Behrenbruch agrees the changes won't have an impact on companies which are trialling their technology,but says it's the time before clinical trials that businesses need the most help with capital.

Startup peak body StartupAus has also been warning for some months that any policies tightening the R&D tax scheme also has to give more guidance about what is and isn't a legitimate claim.

Under the legislation before parliament,Innovation and Science Australia would have the ability to make a decision on what is and isn't a research and development activity.

StartupAus chief operating officer Alex Gruszka told Fairfax Media there is personal risk in getting a research and development tax claim wrong - and because of lack of clarity,it’s one many startups don’t want to make.

“For startups and in particular founders,they can be trying to do the right thing and still be putting themselves at risk of financial ruin,” he says.

“I think many are genuinely unsure about whether their work qualifies under the scheme … and because of this,they’re underclaiming.”

He says the changes still don't come with"a very clear statement saying what is encouraged under the scheme"to be eligible for a tax offset.

Treasury has been contacted for comment.

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Emma Koehn is a reporter based in Melbourne.

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