What's your calling?

It's probably a sign of how spoilt we are in the West that having a job is not really enough;what we must have is a career. Then again,even that is no longer enough to satiate our ambition. That career must also be in line with our talents and – even better – our passions,lest we go to work and feel unfulfilled.

I swear this is not an expression of privileged guilt. It's a serious point of reflection as I contemplate a career move after doing the same type of work for almost a decade. It's an exploration that led me to ponder recently:so what is my calling? And does such a thing actually exist?

Never have we needed truth and compassion more.

Never have we needed truth and compassion more.

That it's a'thing'is undisputed now. For evidence,you need only look at one particular statistic:academic research on people's desire to pursue their true calling has tripled in the past five years.

It represents,I think,an urgent demand among employees to work for more than just the money. They want the extraordinary number of hours they dedicate to their job to have some sort of positive impact on the world.

That's why,these days,you often read in job advertisements that certain professions give you the opportunity to'make a difference'. It's also why senior leaders articulate and continually reinforce their organisation's'purpose'. These are blatant attempts to tap into the growing need for people to leave their mark,no matter how small in the grand scheme of things.

An excellent and exhaustive analysis just published in theHuman Relations journal sheds some light on the emotional consequences that arise from the desperate pursuit of a calling. While it's true that,for some people,pursuing a calling is incredibly satisfying and life changing,for many others it leads to frustration and misery.

This occurs due to two reasons. The first is that some callings are near impossible to identify and attain,leading to feelings of personal failure. As the scholars write:"Young adults have internalised messages that they can pursue any career they desire regardless of raw talent or potential competencies."

In other words,that impatient sensation we assume is a calling is perhaps nothing more than an inspired and hopeful idea in our mind where it's stubbornly stuck. This is made worse by the"you can do anything!"brigade who motivate people to set unrealistic expectations and to chase quixotic dreams.

The second reason is that,even if successful,the end effect may be underwhelming,with additional problems created as a result of all that was sacrificed along the way. Disappointment,of course,ensues.

That disappointment can be attributed to the fact many of us automatically associate our calling with our job. We're not satisfied merely doing what we're supposedly on Earth to do;we want to get paid for it,too. The trouble is that many of the jobs to which a calling is attached – nursing,child welfare,education,animal rights,and so on – don't pay much. The warm tingling we get from'making a difference'is often insufficient to compensate for the lack of compensation.

If it were widely accepted that you could still have a calling,that you could still give it everything you've got – but that it happens in your spare time instead of your career – maybe it wouldn't be such a disheartening endeavour. If people saw their calling as a hobby rather than a way to pay the bills,perhaps the sacrifices wouldn't be so sensitive and the consequences so grave.

So,look,I'm still not sure about this calling business. The cynical part of me thinks it doesn't exist outside of our eager need to feel as though we matter. But then there's the part of me that thinks that,even if chasing your calling leads to regret and disillusionment,isn't it better than always wondering"what if?"

What are your thoughts? Do you believe in a calling?

Follow James Adonis on Twitter:@jamesadonis

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