Why employers resent entrepreneurial staff

One of the implications of the coronavirus crisis is that many employees,on experiencing the sudden impact of employment instability and the risk of financial hardship,begin dreaming of a future where they are less reliant on the viability of an employer. A future where they themselves are the employer and not just another worker beholden to one.

And not only dreaming of such a possibility but actively embarking on it. So as they undergo cuts to wages and reduced hours,as they deal with restricted duties and modified job responsibilities,they start to work on their startup ambitions despite still being employed.

Working from home may awaken some to entrepreneurship.

Working from home may awaken some to entrepreneurship.Shutterstock.

Complicating the situation is they’re still employed not just by any firm but by a potential competitor since the business they’re launching is directly related to their current place of work. It’s known as an"employee spin-off"and isn’t limited to times of crisis but to any occasion an employee is pursuing an entrepreneurial endeavour while deriving income from the organisation they’ll soon be competing against.

So you can see why employers regard such employees as"mafia"and"parasites",both of which are terms found in afresh study published in theSmall Business Economicsjournal.

The researchers explored a type of behaviour known as"parental hostility",which is when parent companies form an unfavourable view of employees who build their own little enterprise in what many consider to be a conflict of interest.

The study,in an attempt to understand the specific causes of this resentment,analysed almost 1100 spin-offs. The results reveal three predominant causes.

The Morrison government passed the biggest rescue package in Australia's history in response to the coronavirus crisis.

The first cause is when the products and services sold by the employee’s spin-off are similar to those sold by the employer,thereby converting the employee into"a predator stealing its parent’s ideas and innovations"– an insider deteriorating their employer’s competitive advantage.

The second is when the employee poaches their colleagues since they,too,can capitalise on their insider status to accelerate the commercialisation of the spin-off’s products and services. The outcome is a further deterioration in the parent company’s competitive advantage.

The third is when the employee’s idea isn’t new because the employee had previously pitched it to their employer as an intrapreneurial innovation only to have been rejected. The subsequent hostility arises because the"employee’s efforts to implement the idea may act as an awakening signal",triggering the employer to react irrespective of the reason they blocked it in the first place.

Confronted by those three factors,threatened employers often retaliate in a number of ways. Some impose non-compete clauses. Others go for commercial strategies such as price reductions and expanded advertising. There are also those who play even rougher to protect their intellectual property,since it’s frequently the organisation’s IP that has been leveraged,by taking legal action.

Whatever the method of striking back,the scholars have identified a surprising development. It is counterproductive – so counterproductive it actually makes the spin-off more successful.

That’s because the employer’s hostility compels the employee “to develop novel capabilities[and] a more aggressive competition strategy”. When coupled with the message the employer’s retaliation sends to the market – that the spin-off must indeed be valuable to warrant such a reaction – the employee’s chances of securing investment funding are heightened,further fuelling their success.

As the researchers reasonably conclude,“hostility towards employee spin-offs will probably not pay off,as it does not reduce spin-offs’ innovation and economic performance,but in fact makes them perform better”.

Employers are instead best served forming positive and collaborative relationships with their entrepreneurial employees. And perhaps giving their wise ideas much greater consideration.

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