'Disappointing':Business leaders slam Morrison government on energy policy

The federal government faces a mounting business backlash over energy policy as leaders of some of nation's biggest companies and most influential lobby groups have publicly lamented the ditching of the National Energy Guarantee and blasted its proposed replacement.

One of the country's biggest manufacturers,Bluescope,on Friday singled out the decision to scrap the National Energy Guarantee as disappointing.

BlueScope chief executive Mark Vassella said the steelmaker,which employs thousands of people around Australia,understood energy policy was"complex and political"but the challenges in the sector needed to be addressed.

BlueScope CEO Mark Vassella said the government has wasted the potential of the National Energy Guarantee.

BlueScope CEO Mark Vassella said the government has wasted the potential of the National Energy Guarantee.Louie Douvis

“We have been very concerned about the impact of skyrocketing gas and electricity prices,and declining reliability of supply,on the competitiveness of our Australian manufacturing operations,” he said.

“We thought[the NEG] had real potential to deliver less volatile electricity prices and greater reliability of supply,while also cutting emissions.”

His criticism came as the Business Council of Australia slammed the Morrison government's energy plan as"ad hoc and extreme"in a warning on the need for a policy to deal with carbon emissions as well as prices.

The BCA declared the government's proposed new powers over the energy market set a"dangerous precedent"and could raise concerns about sovereign risk.

Mr Vassella said Bluescope wanted to ensure Australia’s climate policy was effective in cutting global greenhouse emissions,in line with the Paris agreement and Australia’s 2030 target,but that should be done in a way that did"not lead to unnecessary closures of domestic manufacturing operations”.

“Accordingly,BlueScope has been prominent in debates about energy and climate change policy,particularly in Australia and New Zealand,” he said.

Matt Kay,chief executive of oil and gas company Beach Energy,also called for more certainty but declined to back calls from oil and gas rival Woodside for the introduction of a carbon price.

“There’s no magic wand or single solution for energy policy and climate change,” Mr Kay told Fairfax Media.

New power generation projects are on the table,but the federal government and opposition are divided on the source.

“The key message from all parties in the energy industry is that we need clarity and certainty at all levels on regulation and rules,from the upstream[gas wells] to the end consumer."

He said as Australia moves away from coal-fired power to more renewable energy,gas will play a key role in supporting this energy transition.

The Business Council's sharp criticism,lodged in a detailed submission on Thursday,urged the government to proceed with the National Energy Guarantee and its scheme to reduce emissions,despite Coalition declarations that the policy is"dead".

The rebuke of Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Energy Minister Angus Taylor is especially powerful because it warns of long-term damage to electricity reliability and affordability – the two problems the politicians are claiming to fix.

"The Business Council of Australia supports lower electricity prices but does not believe this will be achieved by ad hoc and extreme intervention in the electricity market which brings new risks,unintended consequences and has never worked before,"the submission says.

The business group says that while it supports the need to put a priority on affordability,it does not believe that the"heavy-handed"and"intrusive"regulations are the answer.

BCA chief executive Jennifer Westacott,who signed the submission,warns that the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission did not call for the divestment power,while the Australian Energy Market Commission did not find"gaming"in the system to justify the scale of the government's new regulations.

Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott.

Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott.Alex Ellinghausen

Ms Westacott blamed policy failures for the increase in wholesale prices,citing the ACCC's view that the National Energy Guarantee could encourage investment.

The business group has previously criticised a key element of the government plan – a divestment power to force energy companies to sell assets – but the submission to Treasury amplifies the objections by noting how the Coalition policy conflicts with official advice from regulators.

The Australian Industry group called the divestment powers an"extreme step".

"Forced divestiture would set a dangerous precedent for the whole economy,and was specifically ruled out by the ACCC in their recent comprehensive report on improving electricity prices,"Ai Group chief executive Innes Willox said.

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has also called for a return to the NEG saying it was the"only long-term policy that enjoyed overwhelming support across the business community".

Nick Toscano is a business reporter for The Age and Sydney Morning Herald.

Cole Latimer covers energy and policy.

David Crowe is chief political correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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