Housing stress in Sydney hits a new high

Sydney’s long property boom has left one in eight low and middle-income earners across the city in housing stress,the highest proportion in Australia.

The latest Household,Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA)survey shows the rate of housing stress in Sydney was 10.1 per cent between 2001 and 2004 but reached an all-time high of 13 per cent between 2013 and 2016.

The respected study has also revealed a sharp decline in the share of those aged under-45 making the mover to home ownership suggesting the transition from renter to homeowner has become much more difficult.

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People living in flats have the highest rate of housing stress followed by people living in semi-detached houses. Those living in detached houses have the lowest rates of housing stress.

The report found growth in housing stress has been strongest for those in semi-detached houses “perhaps reflecting strong rent and house price growth in the inner urban areas of the major cities”.

The report’s co-author,Melbourne University’s Professor Roger Wilkins,attributed the rising rate of housing stress in Sydney to the long run-up in property prices.

“House prices and,to some extent,rents have been rising relative to incomes,” he said. “That’s really the bottom line.”

Sydney’s median house price climbed bymore than half-a-million-dollars between 2012 and mid-2017,although it has drifted lower during the past year.

That rising rate of housing stress in Sydney comes despite years of strong economic growth and low unemployment in the city.

Households are considered to be in housing stress if housing costs take up more than 30 per cent of income and the household is among the bottom 40 per cent of earners.

Renters have been the most squeezed the most – nationally one in five low and middle-income renters are in housing stress compared with one in 10 of those with a mortgage.

And yet the switch from renting to home ownership is becoming less common.

Between 2001 and 2004 an average of 15 per cent of renters aged 35-44 nationally moved into home-ownership each year but that slumped to 9.8 per cent between 2013 and 2016. That drop was even bigger among renters aged between 18 and 24 years.

Professor Wilkins said the decline in people moving from renting to home ownership was most pronounced in big cities like Sydney.

“It’s very much connected to house prices,especially the rise in house prices relative to incomes,” he said.

The HILDA survey has also revealed theaverage mortgage burden on homeowners aged under-40 doubled between 2002 and 2014 leaving them especially vulnerable to rising interest rates.

The second highest rate of housing stress was in urban Queensland outside of Brisbane (11.3 per cent) followed by metropolitan Brisbane (10.5 per cent).

The HILDA survey is Australia’s only nationally representative long-term household study and has been conducted since 2001.

It showed housing stress is becoming more persistent. Between 2013 and 2016 nationally,49.2 per cent of those in housing stress in one year were also in housing stress the following year compared with 42.7 per cent early last decade.

The degree of persistence of housing stress “has increased to an especially large degree for elderly people,” the report said.

Nationally,one in five of those in persistent housing stress shift to new accommodation.

“Moving house may be a way of escaping housing stress,but it is clearly not always successful,” the report said.

The share of Australians with no housing costs at all fell from 36.1 per cent of the population in 2001 to 28.4 per cent in 2016.

Matt Wade is a senior economics writer at The Sydney Morning Herald.

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