Beware:Three types of tax return claims more likely to trigger an audit

Meticulously crunching the numbers,finding receipts and completing all the necessary paperwork for your tax return year after year can seem a daunting task for many people.

But while the prospect of getting a big refund may be attractive,the Australian Tax Office warns this shouldn’t stop you from being careful about the deductions you claim,or the income you declare.

This year,the ATO is on the hunt for dodgy claimers and their reach is far and wide,with technology playing a crucial role in the crackdown on taxpayers.

We crunch the numbers on the more than 13 million Australians who file a tax return.

With millions of data-matching points consisting of income,electronic payments and assets from employers,banks,government agencies and online platforms,finding discrepancies in your return has never been easier for the ATO.

The tax office can also gain insight from its own data to assess if your income is inconsistent with your lifestyle. For example,if you are driving a luxury car on an income of $20,000,this may flag a potential issue.

The ATO is focused on helping taxpayers get their deductions right,but they are also on the lookout for red flags that identify people who are doing the wrong thing.

Not declaring income,over-claiming tax deductions,international funds transfers and a poor record of lodging returns on time are the most common triggers for an audit.

Here are some of this year's likely targets:

Property investors

Rental property owners are being warned to ensure their claims are correct,with the ATO revealing it will double the number of audits scrutinising rental deductions.

Using a range of information,including data from financial institutions,online accommodation booking platforms,and property transactions and rental bonds from all states and territories,the ATO can scrutinise every return.

Once auditors step in,they can search utilities and even your social media to determine whether a taxpayer is entitled to the deductions they have claimed.

While no penalties will apply for taxpayers who amend their returns due to honest mistakes,deliberate attempts to over-claim can attract penalties of up to 75 per cent of the amount of the claim.

Last year,with just over 1500 property investor taxpayers audited,penalties associated with rental claims totalled $1.3 million.

In one case,an individual was penalised more than $12,000 for over-claiming deductions for their holiday home,when it was not made genuinely available for rent.

Another taxpayer had to pay back $5500 because they had not apportioned their rental interest deduction to account for redraws on their investment loan,to pay for living expenses.

The ATO has made it clear even letting out a room must be taken into account.

The money you earn must be declared as income and any deductions claimed may need to be apportioned for private use.

False laundry claims

Last year,around six million people claimed work-related clothing and laundry expenses totalling almost $1.5 billion.

However it's unlikely that half the taxpayer population is required to wear uniforms,protective clothing or occupation-specific clothing to earn their income.

While you don’t need receipts for claims of up to $150,the ATO has warned workers not to assume a claim won't be scrutinised simply on that basis.

The tax office has the power to ask your employer if you have a required uniform.

Are people in your occupation claiming clothing/uniform expenses? Type your job into the interactive below to find out:

This interactive shows typical income sources and deductions by occupation and is not intended as tax advice.

Cryptocurrency traders

With the growth in crypto-assets in recent years,it is estimated that there are between 500,000 to one million Australians that have invested in crypto-assets.

While cryptocurrency has been used to move funds within the black economy and hide money offshore,it can be also linked to unexplained wealth and undeclared taxable capital gains.

This year,the ATO is collecting bulk records,including purchases and sales from designated cryptocurrency service providers,as part of a data-matching program to ensure people are paying the right amount of tax.

With the ATO preparing for the rush of tax lodgements in the first few months of the new financial year,it is important to talk to your accountant to ensure you declare your income,and keep accurate records and documents.

Olivia Maragna is the co-founder of Aspire Retire Financial Services. You can follow Olivia on Facebook orTwitter

Olivia Maragna is the co-founder of Aspire Retire Financial Services and is a respected and independent financial expert.

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