Don’t plan for what you can’t predict:prepare to adapt to anything

It seems we all want to know what is around the corner. Some of us cannot wait to tell others (generally for a fat fee) what they confidently expect to find on the other side.

Whether we are talking about the afterlife,where we will be when we grow up,or in the next five years,the allure of foresight is almost irresistible. And it is big business.

Illustration:Dionne Gain

Illustration:Dionne Gain

It represents a yearning for predictability. We can plan and prepare if we know what awaits us at the next turn. Well,that’s how the logic goes,and fair enough too. We are unlikely to vote for a political party that offers to do no more than make it up as it goes along.

However,we’d be forgiven for thinking that almost every government of whatever colour ends up doing precisely that. The enemy of political leaders are events – except for the last 15 years in Australia,where the enemy was more likely one’s colleague.

We are told that the best predictor of the future are past events. The apple does not fall far from the tree. This year’s Apple products will be much like last year’s,except more powerful and in different colours. Until they are not. Apple was very much a computer hardware company until it built a mobile phone.

We might be more likely to pursue careers similar to our parents than any other specific option,but it still accounts for only a tiny number of people. The majority end up doing something entirely different.

While past behaviour might be the “best” predictor of future behaviour,it is still not a great predictor. It doesn’t handle sharp branches in the road very well.

In careers work,a lot of attention is given to understanding people’s interests. Some claim that these will predict what is in store for the individual. They point to statistics showing (modest) correlations between interests measured now and jobs and job satisfaction down the track.

Understanding what interests a person can be useful to know. However,it is always going to be constrained by their personal experience and knowledge of options,and limited by factors such as agency and expectations.

If I were to try to sell you a route guidance system for your car that would get you to your destination only 15 per cent of the time and the remaining 85 per cent you’d get lost,I suspect you’d tell me to get lost. Yet,some people get very excited by these relatively small gains in predictability that may,across very large numbers of people,have some practical worth.

Reducing the number of people who get lost by 15 per cent might be an important advance. However,at the individual level,where most career decisions are required,being 85 per cent uncertain about what is around the corner is not going to be overly helpful,and it may be prematurely limiting or even plain wrong.

The danger with an overconfidence about the future is that it risks us failing to practise skills of exploring possibilities,experimenting with new paths,acquiring new skills that may not appear to be immediately relevant to our desired path,or the skills of changing direction and coping with whatever comes our way.

We need to place as much emphasis on awareness,agency and aspiration as we do on interests. The future is inherently unpredictable. With agency,that can be exciting;with a rigid plan,it feels like we are going around the bend.

Jim Bright,FAPS is Professor of Career Education and Development at ACU and owns Bright and Associates,a Career Management Consultancy. Email Follow him on Twitter @DrJimBright

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