In a post-COVID workplace,is dressing for success old hat?

A new report from the University of Sydney Business School highlights the importance of appearance in the office and the refashioning of professional attire in the age of remote work.

It may have been a novelty to wear pyjamas during work hours at the beginning of the pandemic,but over the past two years decisions around what to wear when working from home have evolved.

As organisations push to see people return to the physical workplace,sartorial sensibilities are set to change again.

The way we dress while we work from home has evolved.

The way we dress while we work from home has evolved.iStockphoto

Wearing a suit and tie or dress was once the norm in many professional work contexts,yet even pre-pandemic,dress codes were gradually morphing from formal into business casual.

In this age of remote working,does appearance at work really matter anymore?

New research confirms that since COVID-19 there has been a definitive shift to casual fashion alternatives when working from home.

A national mixed methods survey (n=1155) was undertaken,asking about people’s experiences of getting ready for work before and during the pandemic,and their perspectives on work attire and perceptions of professionalism in their industry.

Beyond the COVID fashion cliche of ‘business up top and party on the bottom’,connections between professional appearance,work environment and workplace gender equality warrant further attention – particularly the gendered impact of remote working on women’s careers,and the emergence of new place-based workplace cultures tied to work attire.

While there was consensus among respondents that appearance is important,women were more likely to remark that appearance plays a role in how they are perceived at work. Despite this,women,more so than men,reported dressing more casually at home,with the prevalence of activewear in their daily wardrobe rotation.

A possible explanation for the rise in activewear is the increasing responsibilities and shifting demands that many women have shouldered throughout the pandemic,caring for children and managing household duties in conjunction with their paid work. As one woman in information media and telecommunications remarked:“I’m mostly wearing pyjamas and activewear. I’m trying to home school and single parent and work full time.“

Historically,office dress codes for women have been primarily dictated by the male gaze,so women dressing casually could also be indicative of a push back against the boundaries of work dress. In an age of flexible work,and with the increasing irrelevance of the 9- 5 workday,dress codes are potentially becoming antiquated.

People are dressing more casually for work.

People are dressing more casually for work.Supplied

Many survey respondents predicted that appearance would not be as important in the future. As one non-binary participant in the financial and insurance services industry observed:“I think that we will measure the output of someone’s work rather than the presentation.”

However,others also admit that as we return to the office,gendered norms and assumptions around appearance and professionalism would prevail. As one woman in the public administration and safety sector reflected:“I tend to wear the closest female equivalent to male business attire to fit in. I never wear heels because I can’t walk fast enough in them to keep step with male colleagues.”

Many respondents also perceived a “COVID casual” appearance to be “a short-term thing”.

Overwhelmingly,men and women in the finance and insurance sector cited that if there was a return to the office “previous standards and expectations would return”. In client-focused professions,first impressions still matter.

The pandemic has upended much about how we work,and it seems the new reality for many workers will be one of hybridity:employees who are co-located in the same physical space as well as employees working remotely.

Returning to the office in the wake of multiple state lockdowns brings to light gender inequities around visibility at work how this is tied to power and influence – something which uniquely impacts upon women’s workforce participation,particularly for those with added responsibilities. It seems professional appearance will continue to play an important role in men and women’s careers into the future.

Dr Briony Lipton is a postdoctoral research associate in the University of Sydney Women,Work and Leadership Research Group.

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