Reports of epoch-shattering jobs change are a little overworked

Christmas has come early for a cabal of management consultants gifted “the great resignation” myth. They have pounced on figures from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics in October that show the rate of people quitting their jobs in August 2021 had hit “a series high of 2.9 per cent”.

Add to the fire various intention to quit survey results from the US and UK showing lots of people don’t like their jobs very much,and you have the perfect receipt to make consultants salivate.

Illustration:Dionne Gain

Illustration:Dionne Gain

The work design consultants,who probably spent the lockdown doing creative writing courses,have let fly with florid narratives claiming the reasons people are supposedly quitting en masse is that they have had time to re-evaluate their lives. And guess what? It is not money or job security that they hanker for,but rather some Zen-like higher consciousness.

They all want to retreat from work to attend an organic wellness retreat to become whole again. The solution apparently is to create some kind of wellness spa workstation environment. Here,the call centre team can float on astral planes while listening to Doreen and Dave from Dundas hollering about the non-delivery of their combo infrared sauna spin bike that is stuck on a container ship in Chennai because Indian dockworkers have all resigned seeking bliss.

Does the evidence stack up for the great resignation? I have recently warned against reading too much into the intention to quit surveys (Now we’ve worked from home,do we want to keep doing it?) It is also worth taking a closer look at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers.

The US figures do indeed show a “series high” of 2.9 per cent quitting in August 2021. However,the figure was only fractionally higher than April 2021 (2.8 per cent). The headline figure also masks differences across industries. Some of the biggest increases are in areas that have probably been some of the most heavily affected by COVID-19 — leisure and hospitality hit 6.4 per cent. It is worth noting this sector was already running at 3.9 per cent in August 2020,and was roughly 5 per cent in 2019 pre-COVID.

Clerical,administrative and some other sales occupations show a different or far less dramatic picture. Finance and real estate quitters were down to 1.3 per cent in August from 1.5 per cent in August 2020. Government had limpet-like figures that were already below 1 per cent in August 2020. In other areas such as information (eg broadcasting,publishing,software,film,web),increases were again very modest (around 1 per cent).

Close inspection of these numbers suggests to me that claims we are seeing a “great” exodus are premature. The commentary surrounding these figures is increasingly hyperbolic,and given the nature of social media,it is already creating a web of self-sustaining,and also self-interested,mythical narratives designed to spook employers to get the consultants on the payroll. Say what you like about the numbers,one thing for sure is the consultants will never quit.

Jim Bright,FAPS is Professor of Career Education and Development at ACU and owns Bright and Associates,a career management consultancy. Email Follow him on Twitter @DrJimBright

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