Time to name and shame companies that profited and kept JobKeeper

Harvey Norman’s repayment of $6 million in JobKeeper payments establishes a new ethical test for businesses that had one hand out for taxpayer subsidies while another raked in healthy profits during the pandemic.

Under the letter of the law,businesses that made a healthy profit during the pandemic are entitled to pocket their JobKeeper wage subsidies. But public opinion strongly suggests that those who turned a profit have an ethical obligation to repay the subsidies.

An exclusive poll for theHerald shows Australians overwhelmingly believe companies that have used the federal government’s $98 billion JobKeeper program to boost their profits should now repay the cash.

Many companies applied for the subsidy after fearing a massive downturn in sales at the beginning of the pandemic. A surge in online shopping helped some businesses during this period,especially large retailers. Many,including Harvey Norman,prospered during the pandemic,including during lockdowns.

After facing public pressure to give the money back,and previously refusing,Harvey Norman founder Gerry Harvey finally announced to the ASX on Tuesday that it would return $6.02 million in JobKeeper subsidies to the tax office. This followed a year of record sales and earnings for the business,which reported a 15.3 per cent increase in total revenue to $9.72 billion.

The $6 million repayment does not include a further $14.5 million received by the company’s privately owned franchisees.

Federal government figures show that 157,650 businesses that received $4.6 billion in JobKeeper payments had increased their turnover between April to June last year compared with the same period the previous year. The number increased to 195,381 businesses that received $8.4 billion in JobKeeper payments in the July to September quarter.

The Australian Industry Group’s protests against businesses repaying unnecessary JobKeeper subsidies – because the rules say they don’t need to – offends public opinion. The business group’s argument that JobKeeper somehow prevented those booming businesses from failing is implausible.

If businesses want a credible and influential voice in the community,they should stop mouthing greedy protestations which are offensive to many at a time when real wages have fallen and thousands of small businesses face severe hardship and closure. Business codes of corporate social responsibility demand a higher degree of ethical standards.

TheHerald supports the call by crossbench senators,Labor and the Greens for a public register of publicly listed companies receiving JobKeeper,including whether they have voluntarily repaid any surplus amounts. Our polling has shown strong support among voters for more transparency around the program.

As Labor’s shadow assistant minister for treasury Andrew Leigh has pointed out,companies including luxury car dealer AP Eagers made a $218m profit for the six months to June 2021. Yet,it has failed to repay $130 million in JobKeeper subsidies. Leigh has publicised many similar examples and has rightly questioned the disconnect between the government demanding money back from welfare recipients who received JobKeeper,while allowing wastage by big corporates.

Since the virus pandemic hit last year,the federal government’s JobKeeper scheme has been a highly successful policy that helped hundreds of thousands of businesses and millions of workers keep their heads above water.

But,like other policies made hastily in response to an economic emergency,flaws have emerged in the rush to get the money flowing,resulting in waste. This was also apparent during the Global Financial Crisis.

Toyota Australia needed little prompting before it voluntarily gave back $18 million to the Australian Tax Office earlier this year. Neither did Super Retail,which operates Rebel and BCF stores,which handed back $1.7 million. Domain,which is majority-owned by Nine Entertainment Co,owner of theHerald,last month said it would pay back JobKeeper funds it had received.

While many others who have refused to follow their example are not required to repay the taxpayer,theHerald believes they are under an ethical obligation to do so. The names of large businesses that flout public opinion and refuse to repay money they didn’t need are also contributing to the nation’s debt and should appear on a public register that exposes their greed.

Note from the Editor

TheHeraldeditor Lisa Davies writes a weekly newsletter exclusively for subscribers. To have it delivered to your inbox,please sign up here.

Since the Herald was first published in 1831,the editorial team has believed it important to express a considered view on the issues of the day for readers,always putting the public interest first.

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