Why hiring for'cultural fit'is a mistake

Environment reporter

There is an old saying that “A’s hire A’s and B’s hire C’s”. From my observation the B’s usually attribute their decision to “cultural fit”.

It has become fashionable for organisations to hire for “cultural fit” before hard skills. It goes along with our national distrust of experts.

At best,cultural fit means ensuring an employee is aligned with the organisation’s values and won’t display toxic behaviours that undermine morale and productivity among other staff. It’s a pretty low bar.

Bonding over drinks after work should not be a requirement of the job or a test of a candidate's suitability.

Bonding over drinks after work should not be a requirement of the job or a test of a candidate's suitability.Andrew Quilty

The problem is that cultural fit is usually elevated to mean something more. At worst,it undermines diversity,professionalism and merit.

Too often,it’s code for the notorious “beer test” of picking someone you’d like to share a drink with. This is a problem given not everyone drinks alcohol and not everyone has a home life that enables them to drink after work. It is also irrelevant to the work you’re hiring them to do.

Sure,the “beer test” is not always literal (though let’s face it,often it is). Sometimes it’s a metaphor for personal connection – and that’s still problematic.

If the notion of cultural fit leads you to hire and promote people who look like you,it could be unlawful discrimination. Indeed,various research studies suggest hiring for cultural fit and hiring for diversity often pull in opposite directions.

Meanwhile,if it leads you to hire and promote people who look different on the surface but share the same underlying beliefs and attitudes,it doesn’t make for a robust workplace culture where people will feel empowered to challenge group-think and strive for excellence. It’s a shortcut for mediocrity.

Start-up companies are notorious for openly prioritising cultural fit. I’ve heard some that express a desire to hire people “who will bleed Company X”. Frankly,that sounds like a recipe for burnout.

What about hiring professionals? You know,people who show up to work,are pleasant but not matey,kick goals and then go home?

And let’s be honest,people who are not necessarily pleasant all the time can be important too. If you have people who will perform critical but unglamorous work willingly and well,their social skills are secondary. (If it crosses the line into bullying,harassment or other inappropriate behaviour,that's different).

Big corporates buy into cultural fit as well,though they might try to be systematic and use various psychometric or behavioural tests. This approach is just as flawed – cultural fit is inherently subjective so an objective measure is nonsense.

I know of at least one large Australian corporate that uses the Myers-Briggs test in its recruitment process,despite thecompany behind Myers-Briggs saying this is inappropriate. You might as well have a policy of only employing Scorpios.

Then there’s the Australian bank that requires every job candidate to pass an online assessment to determine if they fit with the company’s approach to service and its core values.

Some of the questions are there to weed out candidates willing to bend ethics. Good idea,given the scandals exposed by the banking royal commission.

Other questions test a candidate’s willingness to drop everything to help a colleague with their work. That’s less clear cut.

Surely it would depend on whether the work you’re abandoning is more or less strategically important or urgent than your colleague’s work? If you’re paid a high salary,isn’t it incumbent on you to make sure you don't get distracted?

Well,not according to this test. From what I’ve heard on the grapevine,the key to passing it is to think like a bank teller. It makes sense that you would want your frontline staff to be congenial and collaborative and if you employ thousands of tellers,that’s how you’d frame the test.

Yet everyone at the bank – business executive,software engineer,credit risk analyst et cetera – sits the same test. In some of the company's business units,I hear the failure rate is quite high and it’s a bone of contention for hiring managers who can’t recruit the most qualified candidate.

A recruitment agent recently told a job hunter that “in Australia,it’s all about cultural fit”. This is to our detriment.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is a senior writer,reporting on social affairs.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is the environment reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald. She has previously worked for BRW and The Australian Financial Review.

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