Premier,abandon your plans to open up when we hit 6 million jabs

Premier,abandon your plans to open up when we hit 6 million jabs

There is no modelling anywhere that suggests “6 million jabs” should trigger any easing of restrictions.

  • byJohn Dwyer


Vaccination is critical,but it will not alone unlock our freedom

Vaccination is critical,but it will not alone unlock our freedom

High vaccination rates are just the starting point on a pathway out of COVID. But in our race to find a new normal,we must not jump the gun by reducing restrictions too soon.

  • byJohn Dwyer
My fellow over-60s,you need to be vaccinated. Yesterday. Your vaccine is available,abundant ... and safe

My fellow over-60s,you need to be vaccinated. Yesterday. Your vaccine is available,abundant ... and safe

Aged Australians cannot afford to wait around for the Pfizer vaccine. The AstraZeneca vaccine available to them now is not only safe but an effective protection against the much more immediate threat - COVID-19.

  • byJohn Dwyer
‘No jab,no job’ policy for frontline workers is a no brainer

‘No jab,no job’ policy for frontline workers is a no brainer

If you don’t want to be vaccinated look for another job.

  • byJohn Dwyer
Hold the Sydney Test without spectators - and do the same for the Australian Open

Hold the Sydney Test without spectators - and do the same for the Australian Open

Given the fragility of our control of the pandemic at the moment,we should be embracing all known risk-reduction tactics.

  • byJohn Dwyer
Another review finds Medicare is sick. Will we ignore this one too?

Another review finds Medicare is sick. Will we ignore this one too?

A leading professor of medicine fears the most extensive review of Medicare ever conducted will end up in the same place as earlier attempts - in the too-hard basket.

  • byJohn Dwyer
Make no mistake:COVID-19 infection is not a mere'flu-like'illness

Make no mistake:COVID-19 infection is not a mere'flu-like'illness

Claims that a second lockdown may be worse for people's health than COVID-19 are false:this virus can cause serious illness,no matter your age.

  • byJohn Dwyer
Marches put our virus progress at risk

Marches put our virus progress at risk

The understandable fury reawakened by Floyd’s murder was the enemy of sensible planning.

  • byJohn Dwyer
As schools return,tests must find'silent spreaders'

As schools return,tests must find'silent spreaders'

We need to test children to detect those that are infected yet well.

  • byJohn Dwyer
We cannot wait two weeks - we must go into lockdown now for the sake of our healthcare workers

We cannot wait two weeks - we must go into lockdown now for the sake of our healthcare workers

Better to do it now for a limited period when we can make a real dent in the spread of the virus than a few weeks from now,when it will be so much harder and take so much longer.

  • byJohn Dwyer
We must take social distancing rules seriously,or pay a terrible price

We must take social distancing rules seriously,or pay a terrible price

Many Australians seem to be carrying on with life as normal over the weekend. Unless we follow guidelines,our infection rates will rise dramatically.

  • byJohn Dwyer