Behind the locked doors of a DV safe room wasn’t my life,until suddenly it was

Behind the locked doors of a DV safe room wasn’t my life,until suddenly it was

I spent a morning surrounded by women whose once-normal lives had been turned into nightmares by their partners.

  • byJulie Lewis


A painful silence:The family secret my grandparents took to their graves

A painful silence:The family secret my grandparents took to their graves

I keenly feel the loss of the stories I will never know about my grandfather’s life,people and heritage.

  • byJulie Lewis
Our daughter’s home detention is over - may our joy go viral

Our daughter’s home detention is over - may our joy go viral

There may have been some tears,but we realise we were privileged in many ways when it came to fighting COVID.

  • byJulie Lewis
Our Christmas in iso after daughter’s positive test confirmed the worst

Our Christmas in iso after daughter’s positive test confirmed the worst

A positive rapid antigen test on Christmas Eve is an unwanted early present.

  • byJulie Lewis
We must hear women roar,on every issue worthy of public discussion

We must hear women roar,on every issue worthy of public discussion

As a nation,we need a surge of women’s voices,yet in our opinion submissions inbox women are often missing in action.

  • byJulie Lewis
Balance of opinion:a letter from Opinion Editor Julie Lewis

Balance of opinion:a letter from Opinion Editor Julie Lewis

Curating a contest of ideas in times of great uncertainty and divisive politics is tough. The stakes are higher. The pitfalls deeper. Holding course is harder.

  • byJulie Lewis
From the Archives,1990:5 children drown in capsize

From the Archives,1990:5 children drown in capsize

30 years ago today,the Port Stephens pleasure cruiser N'Gluka capsized with 49 people on board,claiming the lives of five children.

  • byDeborah Cornwall,Paul Chamberlin andJulie Lewis
From the Archives,1991:More protests likely over industrial bill

From the Archives,1991:More protests likely over industrial bill

Thousands of workers gathered in Sydney to protest against the Greiner Government's new industrial legislation,which,among other things,aimed to abolish closed shops and compulsory unionism.

  • byJulie Lewis
Learning to swim your own race a victory in itself

Learning to swim your own race a victory in itself

I was destined to spend a large slice of my childhood summers at the public pool. My grandmother,Rita Smith,was a champion swimmer in Queensland in the early 1930s,her exploits the stuff of family lore,and it was a special treat when we grandchildren visited her house if she let us look through a sheaf of newspaper clippings the colour of tea stains that took us back to her triumphs.

  • byJulie Lewis