From eleven to one:ranking Christopher Nolan's movies

If you had to hand pick a director to bring audiences back to cinemas,Christopher Nolan might well be the one.

With 11 movies that have taken more than $US4.7 billion at the box office,he has consistently delivered Hollywood blockbusters that have been popular with both audiences and critics for two decades.

While some viewers consider his movies confusing,overly detached and lacking enough strong women characters,Nolan's ambition beyond just entertainment is reflected in them winning 10 Oscars with 15 more nominations. Two,Inception andDunkirk,have been up for best picture.

John David Washington and Robert Pattinson star in rumoured time travel thriller,directed by Christopher Nolan.

But those numbers only tell part of the story. Nolan's real achievement has been that,while working with blockbuster budgets,he has consistently experimented with the form of movies and found inventive ways to freshen up familiar genres with complicated and intriguing ideas.

So how do you rank them? You could start with the duds,but Nolan is yet to make one. So you look for what was weakest in well-liked movies and give extra credit for originality,inventiveness,cultural impact and contribution to the art of cinema. But it's a subjective exercise given the movie that starts this countdown was named Nolan's best by a British newspaper two years ago.

So maybe it's a list that,like the M. C. Escher drawing of the perpetually ascending and descending staircase that Nolan says influencedTenet,goes both ways. Let's start with...

11. The Prestige (2006)

While it certainly has fans,this moody drama with Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman as rival stage magicians and Piper Perabo and Scarlett Johansson as their assistants in 1890s London now feels like a clever cinematic magic trick with too many twists and turns.

Hugh Jackman and Scarlett Johansson in Nolan's moody magic drama The Prestige.

Hugh Jackman and Scarlett Johansson in Nolan's moody magic drama The Prestige.Supplied

10. Following (1998)

Nolan's debut film was a clever black-and-white crime thriller about a young writer (Jeremy Theobald) who follows people around London. It revealed his talent for originality,clever storytelling and visual style. While an excellent ultra-low-budget film,it was still constrained by being an ultra-low-budget film.

9. Insomnia (2002)

A remake of a Norwegian film that follows a veteran LA cop,played by Al Pacino,who can't sleep for days while investigating a murder in the perpetual daylight of small-town Alaska. More clever storytelling with strong performances and only so low on the list for its relatively low profile compared to other Nolan films.

8. Interstellar (2014)

Nolan shot for the stars with a thought-provoking and ambitious sci-fi movie about the crew of a spaceship seeking a future for humanity – starring Matthew McConaughey,Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain – but the extended length and scientific complexity dampens the emotional impact.

Anne Hathaway,Matthew McConaughey and Wes Bentley explore another planet in Interstellar.

Anne Hathaway,Matthew McConaughey and Wes Bentley explore another planet in Interstellar.Supplied

7. Tenet (2020)

It will take time (and at least another viewing) to get perspective on Nolan's version of a Bond movie,an espionage thriller with a complex premise about an apocalyptic threat from the future that involves time being reversed,but it is definitely a cinematic experience with some spectacular action scenes.

John David Washington and Rich Ceraulo Ko in one of Tenet's action sequences.

John David Washington and Rich Ceraulo Ko in one of Tenet's action sequences.Supplied

6. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

The epic conclusion to Nolan's Batman trilogy has been his biggest box office hit,taking more than $US1 billion. Christian Bale signed off as Bruce Wayne/Batman,with Hathaway as Catwoman and Tom Hardy as Bane in a darkly political superhero movie. Watched again now,the long,complicated and bombastic climax detracts from the humanity and emotion.

5. The Dark Knight (2008)

The second of Nolan's Batman movies was elevated by an exceptional,Oscar-winning performance by Heath Ledger as the Joker and some epic action scenes. A dark love triangle for Bruce Wayne – involving Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal) and Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) – set up Batman's alienation for the third instalment without being especially convincing.

4. Batman Begins (2005)

Nolan brought Batman back to life at the movies with an origin story grounded in a much more real – if dark – world,giving him a refreshing humanity for a comic book superhero,backed up by warm performances from Bale,Katie Holmes,Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman.

3. Memento (2000)

Guy Pearce played an insurance investigator with no short-term memory who wants revenge for his wife's death in one of the great cinematic experiments – stories in colour and in black and white that travel forwards and backwards to reflect his fragmented experience of the world. Nolan's breakthrough movie still feels fresh,original and dazzlingly creative.

2. Inception (2010)

Epic and imaginative,this sci-fi thriller starring Leonardo DiCaprio,Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Marion Cotillard was a rare blockbuster for its originality – matching intriguing ideas with a dream-within-a-dream-within-a-dream framework and a pitch-perfect spinning top final moment. It has only improved with time.

1. Dunkirk (2017)

A masterful World War II drama that cleverly immersed viewers in a dangerous and chaotic battlefield with three different timeframes for action on land,sea and air. Instead of focusing on the idealised heroism of the Dunkirk campaign,Nolan showed the desperate reality of trying to survive and the quiet heroism of anonymous participants.

From the writing to the casting,acting,cinematography,editing,design and especially music,it is a masterclass in film craft from a director,cast and crew at the top of their game. And it really should have won best picture and director at the Oscars instead ofThe Shape of Water.

Allied soldiers from Belgium,the British Empire,Canada and France are surrounded by the German army and evacuated during a fierce battle in World War II.

Garry Maddox is a Senior Writer for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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