In Tenet,the best and worst of Christopher Nolan is on display

(M) 150 minutes

Christopher Nolan has a great gift for keeping you in the moment even if you can't work out when the moment is or what it means.

His action sequences are breathtaking – superbly controlled and brilliantly enhanced by the urgency of their percussive scores and unnerving sound effects. But if you haven't already been seduced by his love of mind games,they prove to be a significant distraction.

John David Washington and Robert Pattinson star in rumoured time travel thriller,directed by Christopher Nolan.

Tenet contains the best and worst of Nolan. Spread over a broad and beautiful canvas spanning seven countries,it has a barely comprehensible plot which has been sending the internet into a frenzy of arcane intellectual speculation since a short teaser trailer was released months ago.

It revolves around a vicious Russian oligarch who's attempting to arrange the world's destruction with help from malign forces from the future. His name is Andrei Sator and he's played by Kenneth Branagh whose bland Celtic looks and usual good guy demeanour have been transformed by a recurring snarl and a constipated Russian accent.

Out to stop him is a likeable John David Washington (son of Denzel),who's known only as The Protagonist,and Neil,an English spy,played by Robert Pattinson,aping the conversational style of Christopher Hitchens and teaming it with his own line in elegance.

That's the other thing about Nolan. In his persistent efforts to make the improbable seem plausible,he never underestimates the importance of recruiting a great cast. Anything can sound as if it could make sense if it's being explained with an air of unimpeachable authority and there are plenty of actors here who can do just that – even if some of them,like Michael Caine,have only one scene. Caine,being Caine,makes every word count,injecting some much-needed wit into the action just as the script is about to introduce some of its wilder metaphysical propositions.

Never underestimate the importance of a great cast:John David Washington as The Protagonist and Robert Pattinson as plays Neil.

Never underestimate the importance of a great cast:John David Washington as The Protagonist and Robert Pattinson as plays Neil.Melinda Sue Gordon/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Some of these have already been flagged in the run-up to the film's release by Nolan aficionados who have been combing the background minutiae of each trailer looking for clues. Their efforts have tossed up an assortment of deliriously inventive theories involving everything from the history of the palindrome (of whichTenet is an example) to the second law of thermodynamics. I'm sure you know it. It's the one which takes in entropy and the"asymmetry of time".

And on this point at least,these obsessives have turned out to be absolutely right.As he's done in several of his films,inTenet Nolan is conjuring both with time's ambiguities and its mechanics and his thesis gets very convoluted. Cast as The Protagonist's equivalent of James Bond's Q,Clemence Poesy (The Tunnel) spells out the script's central premise when she briefs him on the equipment he's going to need for his world-saving mission.

Producing a bullet which she claims has come from the future,she shows it returning to his gun after it's been fired. It seems he's about to enter a realm where people and objects can shift backwards and forwards in time and cause and effect can be reversed. The details of this proposition remain hazy as events move across Europe and to India and Vietnam.

John David Washington and Rich Ceraulo Ko escape a blast in Tenet.

John David Washington and Rich Ceraulo Ko escape a blast in Tenet.Melinda Sue Gordon/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

In the brief pauses between a string of spectacularly choreographed scenes of wholesale destruction,Washington begins a necessarily rushed but heartfelt relationship with Elizabeth Debicki as Branagh's desperately unhappy wife,Kat. She's bound to her husband by his control over the young son they have together and in the course of things,she undergoes almost as many near-death experiences as Washington himself.

In the second half of the film,Nolan's judgement begins to falter as his theme is played out over separate time zones,where one of the main hazards seems to lie in the possibility of colliding with yourself. Not only does the plot lose all connection with logic but the action becomes weirdly notional. It's hard to tell whether you're coming or going. No doubt avid students of the Nolan formula will get months of entertainment out of repeated viewings but for me it was oddly tantalising – full of good things but ultimately frustrating.

Sandra Hall is a film critic for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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