Ani DiFranco:'MeToo is such shining evidence that women’s lives matter'

Each week,Benjamin Law asks public figures to discuss the subjects we're told to keep private by getting them to roll a die. The numbers they land on are the topics they're given. This week he talks to Ani DiFranco. The Grammy-winning American singer-songwriter,49,has sold more than
5.5 million albums on her own label,Righteous Babe Records. Her 2019 memoir,No Walls and the Recurring Dream,is aNew York Times bestseller.

Ani DiFranco:"What I really feel from my now almost 50 years on the planet is that,compared with when I was young,women are much more visible."

Ani DiFranco:"What I really feel from my now almost 50 years on the planet is that,compared with when I was young,women are much more visible."Getty Images


Religious,spiritual,agnostic,atheist. Do any of those labels apply to you?Spiritual. Atheist. I’ve never really been a “God person” in that traditional sense. My father grew up Catholic-Italian and my mother was a Protestant from Canada. What they bestowed on us‚ their two kids,was respect for others and for doing the right thing. Not because of heaven and hell,but because of right here,right now.

You describe yourself as an atheist. Have you ruled out the possibility of the existence of a higher being?I definitely have ruled out the idea of a patriarch on a cloud. “God Our Father” has always seemed almost humorous to me as a feminist.[Laughs] In terms of a higher being,when the consciousness that works through us all – all humans,all animals,all living things – connects and resonates with itself,that is God happening. When it loses the connection,that is violence and hell in action.

You also say you’re spiritual. How do you connect with your spirituality?Music. When I’m alone,in a creative state and making songs,it’s almost like a trance. When I carry those songs into the world and I play them for people,I connect deeply with others,which is very spiritually uplifting and healing.


You’ve rolled sex.Adjacent to religion – where it should be![Laughs]

How did you learn about it?From other children in the playground.[Laughs] I remember a hot moment of sex education in elementary school in Buffalo,New York,which was mortifying and embarrassing. And also not really telling us much we didn’t know.

What was missing from your sex education?I had to learn about sex with unwanted pregnancies. An abortion when I was 18. An abortion when I was 20. I learnt through heartache and trial. I’ve finally just about gotten a handle on how to deal with this reproductive system now that I’m pushing 50 and approaching menopause![Laughs] Oh man,if young women were given the tools they need! Reproductive freedom. Access to abortion – a fundamental civil right I don’t think we have effectively secured. The tools of understanding how this reproductive system really works. Real sex education,especially for females,by and for other females.

You came out as bisexual in your 20s,when it was rare among recording artists. To what extent hasthat been an honour or a chore?[Sighs] Oh,it depends on the day.[Laughs] It comes with a lot of weight,but it also is a thrill to have spent the past 30 years encountering people on the street who say “I’m alive because of you” or “I didn’t kill myself because of your music". It gives me a very profound sense of purpose.

How have the sexual politics of the music industry changed in your time?What I really feel from my now almost 50 years on the planet is that,compared with when I was young,women are much more visible. This very recent era of #MeToo is such shining evidence that women’s lives matter.

Is it possible to maintain a thriving sex life alongside having a partner and raising two kids?Exhaustion gets in the way of everything.[Laughs] And not just sex – everything! Your art and songwriting,too. It’s like a creative condom:nothing gets through this wall of exhaustion. But I’m lucky my partner – my baby daddy,[musician and producer] Mike Napolitano – and I still make each other nervous. It’s been 15 years and I still skitter from the bathroom under the covers because I’m afraid he’s gonna see my flabby ass! After 15 years,I still care! There’s still a spark.

Where is the sexiest place you’ve ever been to?Brazil. Everybody is just insanely beautiful and living in their bodies. And the music is extraordinary. It makes you feel alive and want to move.


To what extent is being an artist a political vocation,with political responsibilities?An artist is a cultural activist. People have asked me over the years so much about the relationship between politics and art,because this is the intersection where I hang my hat. But for me,it feels like one thing,not a relationship between two. It’s one motivating force to connect,uplift and make the world better.

You’re a strong anti-racism activist. In 2013,however,there was anger over a retreat you’d planned at a venue that was a former slave plantation – which you eventually cancelled. How do you reflect on that now?Oh boy. The list of what I learnt is so very long. I wish I had not defended myself. That was not the most important thing to do. It’s hard as a human when you’re being attacked to not want to try to defend yourself.

It’s most people’s immediate instinct.In retrospect,as a white ally who wants racial equality,I should have focused on affirming the pain and the reality of where the pain comes from,and leave myself and my own pain out of it. What’s important is to do more listening,supporting and affirming of somebody else’s teachings,stories and expressions.

It’s an intense time in US politics. Are you optimistic?I am. There’s nowhere to go but up. So that’s where I’m going.

Ani DiFranco plays Perth,Melbourne,Sydney and Byron Bay’s Bluesfest – through April.

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Benjamin Law is a writer and author of The Family Law and Gaysia.

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