Melanie Chisholm:'I was really lonely while I was in the Spice Girls'

Melanie Chisholm. Occupation Musician/Age 46/Relationship status In a relationship
Best known for Being Sporty Spice in the Spice Girls.

Melanie Chisholm:"I spent years not having a relationship and made odd choices because of it."

Melanie Chisholm:"I spent years not having a relationship and made odd choices because of it."Conor Clinch

My maternal grandfather,Vincent,was in the navy and covered in tattoos. He worked as a gardener at the children’s hospital in Liverpool[in Britain] – always tanned,strong and fit. He taught me how to plant and grow vegetables. He was strict on my mother,but as a granddad he was a big softie. He was diagnosed with a brain tumour and was gone within three months.

My dad,Alan,worked as a holiday representative. He speaks fluent French and Spanish. My parents divorced when I was three – the breakdown inspired him to travel and live abroad. Every summer I spent six weeks with him in Spain;I thought I had the coolest dad.

My mum,Joan,remarried shortly after her divorce. My stepdad,Dennis,had two sons who weren’t very nice to me growing up. Dennis was really strict and I used that old line:“You’re not my dad,you can’t tell me what to do” many times. Once I got older I realised how horrible I was – and now I’m a step-parent,I get how hard that role is.

Mum and Dennis had a son,Paul. I am six years older than Paul and was really happy to have someone to play with when I was young. As I got into my teens,he was always breaking my stuff. We shared a bunk bed for years.

Mum was a singer and Dennis played bass – they were always out. I was the one left in charge of Paul,which made us incredibly close. Although I am older,he really looks after me – he is strong-willed and not afraid to speak up.

Paul dreamt of getting into motor racing. Thanks to my success I was able to sponsor his team. He raced British touring cars and was known as the fans’ favourite. He doesn’t race any more due to his Type 1 diabetes,but presents on TV and coaches young drivers. He had to get over being Sporty Spice’s sister,but he never played on that.

My first kisshappened at 14 with a cool boy who played soccer. I felt ancient. He was a little older than me.

When the Spice Girls toured the US in 1998,Bruce Willis came to our show with his three daughters and then wife Demi Moore. A few days later he was opening Planet Hollywood and asked me to sing with him. I spent my teen years with posters of him on my wall and next thing we’re on stage together.

My long-term boyfriend at high school was a bad lad,super-intelligent but always getting into trouble in class. He pursued me and eventually won me over. I then got stuck in a cycle of going for the guy who was a bit naughty – the ones who treat you like shit.

I was really lonely while I was in the Spice Girls. My eating disorder shut me off from being intimate with men. I spent years not having a relationship and made odd choices because of it. I went for people who didn’t treat me well. Two of them have since apologised and I respect them for that.

Bryan Adamsis a good friend. We met in a lift while I was on tour in 1998. He later asked me to sing with him. It’s the first thing I did on my own without the Spice Girls. He is someone who would be there no matter what.

I was with Thomas Starr for 10 years. We split in 2012 and have a daughter,Scarlet,11. We had a few great years together but,like all relationships,there were issues. He is quite eccentric,which can be endearing at first but also irritating. We wanted different things and grew apart.

I met Tim Minchin in Jesus Christ Superstar. I had just split with Thomas and the cast became my family. Tim is younger than me,but is like my bigger brother – a wonderful friend.

I never wanted to marry and still don’t. When people talk to me about it I get a bit scared. My line is,“I’m too young to get married.”

I started dating my partner, Joe Marshall,in 2015. He is my manager. We had both been in long-term relationships and found ourselves unhappy. He is an incredible father who is there for his own children. We met at a party,had a horrible sober first date and went from there. He is honest,outspoken and different to me,but we’re a good team

Melanie Chisholm’s self-titled solo album will be released on Friday.

This article appears inSunday Life magazine within theSun-Herald and theSunday Age on sale September 27.

Jane Rocca is a regular contributor to Sunday Life Magazine,Executive Style,The Age EG,columnist and features writer at Domain Review,Domain Living’s Personal Space page. She is a published author of four books.

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