‘Just hang in there’:Kelsey Grammer on doubt,heartbreak and addiction

Each week,Benjamin Law asks public figures to discuss the subjects we’re told to keep private by getting them to roll a die. The numbers they land on are the topics they’re given. This week,he talks to Kelsey Grammer. The American actor,66,is best known for playing Dr Frasier Crane onCheers andFrasier (for which he won four Emmys),and voicing Sideshow Bob in The Simpsons. His most recent film isThe God Committee.

Kelsey Grammer:“There have been times when I felt pretty indulgent and my body showed that. I have definitely burnt the candle at both ends.”

Kelsey Grammer:“There have been times when I felt pretty indulgent and my body showed that. I have definitely burnt the candle at both ends.”Getty Images


What have been your best- and worst-paid jobs?Certainly,television has been a good-paying job. A lot of movies I’ve done lately haven’t paid well,but I did them because I wanted to do the work.The God Committee,for instance,is not a largely remunerative effort,but it was a dramatic departure for me. TV was the greatest money-maker.[But] I’ve had some personal relationships that have cost me quite a bit of money,so I’m comfortably balanced.

That last bit – about relationships costing you financially – can you expand on that?[Smiles] Not really,no. That’s about as far as I go with that stuff. My grandfather,a long time ago,said,“Never discuss money.” And the next subject I’d never discuss is personal relationships.

It’s been reported you were paid $US700,000 an episode forFrasier. What do you do with that kind of money?The best news,actually,is that you have a partner who takes half.

Dr Frasier Crane will be back in an upcomingFrasier reboot. How much of that decision is to do with money?A few years back,when theRoseanne reboot took place,I thought,“They’ve done a pretty good job with this.” It inspired me to think,“Maybe there’s something worth revisiting inFrasier and his family.” It was pretty easy to land on several of the characters who might actually have evolved. We’re hoping the whole legacy cast comes back.[John Mahoney,who played Martin,the father ofFrasier and his brother Niles,died in 2018.]


You’re currently starring inThe God Committee. What does the title refer toIt’s an expression that was coined by hospitals when they began to carry out organ transplants. There’s a group of people who sort of sit in judgment on who gets the organ,for which there is competition. The best candidate supposedly wins.

Are you a religious man?I am. My faith is a constant. I just started a beer company called Faith American. It has a double meaning:my daughter’s name is Faith,and we exist by virtue of beneficence from the world around us.

Was your faith something you found or something with which you were raised?I was raised a Christian Scientist,which was fantastic because it’s so metaphysical in its approach to things. I have had great periods of time when my faith was simple and easy and a gift. Then there have been some true tragedies that challenged that faith.

You and your family have endured so much tragedy[both Grammer’s father and his younger sister were murdered in separate incidents]. Heartbreak causes many people to lose their faith;what prevented you from losing yours?It’s basic. Just because you express doubt doesn’t mean faith is gone. It’s worth expressing your doubt. God – or whatever you want to call It,Him or Her – will usually find a way to thank you for expressing your doubts. “Be not afraid” – it’s a common phrase in the Bible,and it’s an extraordinary thing.

Scripture offers us words to live by. Do you have any other mantras?You know what? The Bible is filled with some pretty darn good ones. “Be not afraid,” of course,is one of the ones I love. And “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” This golden rule is as simple as anything in the world,and it’s biblical in nature. And it’s just a great rule of thumb.

Your faith offers 10 Commandments. What are your commandments for acting?There’s only one:“Never make a liar out of a fellow actor on stage.”

What does that mean?Well,for instance,if the script[requires you to say],“Why are you crying?” and[your fellow actor isn’t] crying,you’re an asshole. That’s all. Simple as that.


We’re talking bodies. How do you feel about yours?Pretty good. But there have been times when I felt pretty indulgent and my body showed that. I have definitely burnt the candle at both ends. I also had a heart attack 13 years ago,at a time in my life when I was very unhappy. It has since revealed itself to me:that event was a signal that said,“Your heart is broken.” Thankfully,within about a year and a half of that,my life was on a completely different course.

It’s been said before that that which does not kill us makes us stronger. After that near-death experience,did that cliché hold true for you?It was a weird experience. Honestly,what’s funny is that I had walked down to the beach that day. I had spent the last several months thinking that the only thing I could do to make everybody in my life happy was to be dead. That was a very bad place to be. And as I walked down to the beach,I said to myself,“Today is a beautiful day to die.” Sure enough,I got pretty close to it. But as soon as I got close – I was,in my head,having a conversation with God or Whomever at the time – I said,“Uh,okay,listen. I take it all back.”

You’ve been candid about your struggles with drug and alcohol addiction in the past. Do you have any advice for others going through something similar?The best advice is actually just,“Hang in there.” Get on a program if you need to. Talk to a friend. Put the bottle down. Don’t do that next line of cocaine. Don’t pop that next pill. It’s a lot easier said than done,but in the end you just have to stop. And everything will change for you.


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Benjamin Law is a writer and author of The Family Law and Gaysia.

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