‘Out for numero uno’:Anne Edmonds,Lloyd Langford take on Taskmaster

Comedy is a competitive business. Every performer on a crowded pub comedy night bill knows the desperate,sweaty urge to get more and bigger laughs than the others on the lineup,and it’s only by being better than your rivals that you can move up the ladder to bigger and better gigs. And so we come toTaskmaster,the international comedy juggernaut that has conquered multiple countries by tapping into comedians’ natural competitive urges and combining them with the reliable standbys of absurdism and public humiliation.

But if being onTaskmaster is a chance for comics to prove themselves both funnier and cleverer than their peers,this season of the Australian edition has a new wrinkle:among the five comics striving to please Taskmaster Tom Gleeson are Anne Edmonds and Lloyd Langford,Australia’s best-known comedy power couple (whether that’s a hotly contested title is a question for another time).

Anne Edmonds and Lloyd Langford in Taskmaster Australia.

Anne Edmonds and Lloyd Langford in Taskmaster Australia.Geoff Magee

Putting Edmonds and Langford on the show together seemed calculated to send the couple down one of two paths:either they would band together to present a united front against their three opponents,or the competition between the pair would be even more intense than between two regular competitors,running the risk of causing trouble in paradise. Which approach did they take?

“I think we very much didn’t work together,” says Langford decisively.

Edmonds concurs. “It’s every man for themselves on that game,every woman for themselves. So yeah,I was out for numero uno.”

Not that she wished her partner ill. “I want to see Lloyd succeed,” she reassures. “I feel like,you know,I brought him into this country and I want him to have some level of success,so he doesn’t go back.”

In fact,Langford’s history before coming to this country might be what gives him the crucial advantage in this series ofTaskmaster,as he’s the only one of the five contestants who has played the game before – albeit quite a different version. He participated beforeTaskmaster was a TV show,in its original form as a live show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival,presided over by the format’s creator,Alex Horne.

“Alex Horne would send you an email each month,” the Welshman recalls. “So you’d get 12 emails in the course of a year,with a task in each month that you had to try to complete. And then you all got brought together in August at the Fringe,live on stage,and he’d go through the tasks and how different people approached them. It was total chaos,but it was a lot of fun. And I could immediately see,I think a lot of us could,this was a brilliant idea.”

So successfully did Horne’s idea capture audience’s imaginations that Australia is one of 12 countries to have picked up the ball from Britain and run with it. Comedy fans from Belgium to Finland to the USA have fallen in love with watching funny people flail with varying levels of panic and/or inspiration to complete tasks as intricate and clever as they are completely silly.

Although the name of the game is entertainment,and the raison d’etre of the show is making people laugh,that doesn’t mean that the contestants don’t feel genuine pressure to perform in the tasks,according to Edmonds and Langford.

“The pressure is genuinely intense,” says Edmonds. “It’s not just … pretending on there. You really have to confront some things about yourself on that show,like am I,and have I always been,very dumb? Because you’re standing in a field most of the time with a camera crew and some absurd piece of paper in front of you and a clock ticking down,and it’s just you – no one helps you.”

Taskmaster Tom Gleeson with his assistant Tom Cashman (centre),with contestants (clockwise from left) Jenny Tian,Wil Anderson,Anne Edmonds,Lloyd Langford and Josh Thomas.

Taskmaster Tom Gleeson with his assistant Tom Cashman (centre),with contestants (clockwise from left) Jenny Tian,Wil Anderson,Anne Edmonds,Lloyd Langford and Josh Thomas.Supplied

Langford chips in:“It’s quite an isolating experience,because you’re basically kept in a room that you’re not allowed to leave and you’re not allowed to even open the curtains because they could be setting up a task outside the window. And you get a knock on the door and they say ‘right,come with us’,and you’re given the task to complete,and as soon as the task is finished,you don’t really get any feedback,you just bundle back into the room,sometimes blindfolded,and you have to wait again for another knock on the door. It does feel a lot like enhanced interrogation techniques.”

Not that they want you to think it’s all torture. As Edmonds says:“It’s sort of exhilarating,because after you settle in a bit and you know what’s going on,you realise you can do anything you want. Which for a comedian is a gift. There’s cameras,there’s costumes,it’s the closest we might get,in the absence of any sketch shows on TV anymore,to that kind of creativity where you go ‘I’ve got an idea,play it out’.”

“I love it when something goes wrong in a gig,” says Langford,“because it’s something to bounce off and make fun of and play around with. So like,Taskmaster is lots and lots and lots of things going wrong. And like Anne said,you’ve kind of got total free rein.”

The couple’s approach to theTaskmaster experience encapsulates perfectly the freedom the format gives diverse performers to adapt their style to the task. Langford twinkles with quickfire wit and streams of ideas popping off the top of his head in that unmistakably sonorous deep Welsh tone,while Edmonds takes advantage of the chance to showcase her peerless skill at creating characters,turning her tasks into miniature TV shows of her own.

And best of all,the couple has emerged fromTaskmaster unscathed and united,coming home when the show is done to their little comedic family,now including 2½-year-old Gwen,who is already showing the benefit of comedy genetics,according to Edmonds.

“She’s starting to get some solid laughs in the house. She’s got voices,and characters and stuff now. So that’s good,it takes the pressure off us.”

And should the global juggernaut that isTaskmaster continue,who knows – in 20 years or so we might see the first second-generationTaskmaster contestant take the stage.

Taskmaster Australia is on Ten,Thursday,May 23,at 7.30pm.

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Ben Pobjie is a columnist.

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