An analysis of Australian international test results shows some pupils are almost four years behind in learning due to maths anxiety.
One of Sydney’s top-performing public schools will seek to cut costs and ask parents to pay more after its budget was slashed.
International education is second only to coal in terms of NSW’s export industries. Would a cap on overseas student numbers put that at risk?
Supermarkets,health clinics,transport,schools and roads have all been impacted by Cyclone Alfred. Here’s what you need to know.
Teachers will get maths and reading results almost instantly under a plan by the national curriculum authority.
Sydney’s education thought leaders have gathered at ICC Sydney for The Sydney Morning Herald School Summit.
The SMH Schools Summit 2025 will hear radical proposals for selective public schools and private schools to share the load of disadvantaged students.
Michele Bruniges will use a speech at The Sydney Morning Herald Schools Summit on Wednesday to outline how public schools disproportionately educate disadvantaged students.
A controversial change to the catchment zone of one of Sydney’s top-performing comprehensive schools,Killara High,has been pushed back.
The Minns government has shelved plans to build schools in the very suburbs it has earmarked for housing development.
The teacher-run 15-minute test will check students’ maths skills in counting,ordering numbers and simple addition and subtraction.
The federal government will lift its share of NSW school funding in a similar deal to a $2.5 billion agreement with Victoria five weeks ago.
Families pay a median price of $3.3 million to live in Killara. Now,many of them won’t get their kids into Killara High.
There’s evidence that children aged under three are more stressed in childcare centres than at home. Working parents need options.
Bans and restrictions on use and type of mobile phones are gaining traction.
Plans for an education precinct at St Leonards and a new Chatswood public primary school were earmarked under the former government.
Seventeen seats have been designated “ground zero” in a campaign to pressure major parties to shore up billions of dollars in public funding.
Granville Boys High student support officer Sheikh Wesam Charkawi was ordered to remove social media posts where he downplayed antisemitic comments made by two Sydney nurses.
With part-time jobs,fewer lectures and long commutes,many university students are weighing up whether it’s worth turning up to class.
Video allegedly showing a young Ballarat Grammar boy being bullied by a group of older schoolmates.
Performance goals that have been kept from the public for months reveal what parents really think about their children’s school.
While the state government is focused on delivering more co-ed options,many of the most popular schools are single sex.
Parents this week launched a fundraising campaign to raise $20,000 in a bid to stop the senior campus from being dismantled.
Public school graduates made up only 41 per cent of new undergraduates at Sydney University despite efforts to increase students from disadvantaged groups.
The latest results come amid a loss of faith in democracy and political institutions,rising antisemitic attacks and a breakdown in social cohesion.
Thousands more NSW parents are choosing Catholic and private schools for their children amid an exodus from public education.
A premium subscription licensing deal will make independent and award-winning journalism available to university students and staff.
This map reveals which suburbs are carrying the city’s biggest HELP debts.
The influencer has been ordered to pay $20,000 after accusing the woman of complicity when a group of male students tore up a report into campus sexual violence.
About a dozen streets have been affected by the change to a popular Sydney school catchment.
The government should consider changing workplace laws to make it easier for universities to fire or discipline academics,a parliamentary inquiry report recommends.
Fewer teachers are resigning and retiring after they were given a $10,000 pay rise.
Millions of Australians collectively carrying more than $43 billion in student debts have faced problems getting a mortgage. Now they may have a chance to buy a home.
Demographers say there will be an additional 51,926 primary and 40,497 high school students over the next 10 years to 2034.
The state’s top private school told parents it will review its curriculum programs to ensure it’s emphasising “the importance of tolerance and understanding”.
A parliamentary committee highlights new evidence that Australia’s school students know very little about how our country works.
Where you go to school follows a typical pattern in Sydney,but top-performing schools with good reputations have the ability to upend an entire suburb’s enrolment demographics.
Newington College’s plans to begin admitting girls from next year are set to hinge on a legal interpretation of a 152-year-old trust deed.
Jobseekers in higher education will be forced to disclose allegations or investigations of sexual harm and universities could be fined if they don’t meet safety standards under a code to prevent gender-based violence on campus.
Inner Sydney High has its first year 12 cohort doing the HSC this year – and it is already feeling the popularity pinch.
The gift from tech entrepreneur Robin Khuda is the single biggest philanthropic donation made in NSW.
The SCEGGS school board announced Jenny Allum would retire at the end of this year after serving as principal since 1996.
With the end of fact-checking on many platforms,our young people are exposed to a tsunami of misinformation. Do schools and educators now have a role in pushing back against this tide of fact-free opinion?
Private schools will need to be upfront with teachers about how many hours they will need to spend running extracurricular activities under a new pay deal.
The vocational education watchdog has been on an aggressive campaign to clean up the sector. One college says it has been wrongly targeted.
Students such as Neeve Nagle are spending more than half their income on rent as the cost of university accommodation skyrockets.
They are designed to smooth a child’s transition to kindergarten. Educators say they’re also supporting parents.
If parenthood is about anything,it’s about marking milestones. First steps,first words,first teeth. The first day of school can’t come quickly enough.
Rosebank College will expand to take primary years,while an all-boys north shore private secondary school says opening primary grades is under “ongoing consideration”.
Principals have been told not to ask parents to fund communal supplies,but some are asking for hand soap,tissues,whiteboard markers and Play-Doh.