'Key to human flourishing':how mathematics is shaping our future

Society urgently needs to shift its view of mathematics. It’s time for everyone to regard numeracy with the same kind of importance as literacy - namely,essential to navigating and succeeding in our modern world. We need to see mathematics as vital - but not for the reason that most people think.

As a high school mathematics teacher,a question I am constantly asked from students,parents and the general public is:“When am I ever going to need all this stuff?” Essentially,they are asking,“When in my daily life will I ever need to solve a pair of simultaneous equations,or differentiate a trigonometric function,or construct a formal geometry proof?”

Maths teacher Eddie Woo believes understanding maths helps us make sense of the world.

Maths teacher Eddie Woo believes understanding maths helps us make sense of the world.Nick Moir

If you’ve ever asked a question like that,then your instincts are on the money. Even those who use some fairly intense mathematics as part of their job - financial analysts or aeronautical engineers for example - will outsource most of the mathematical grunt work to a computer.

So what’s the point? Why bother with mathematics? The answer is because almost none of the subjects that we learn at school are learnt for their direct practical value. Instead,they’re learnt because of the way they sharpen and expand our capacity for thought.

Think of a subject you learnt at school. When was the last time you directly used a skill or piece of knowledge that you gained from those subjects? Since leaving school,unless you are in a specific profession that demands it,when was the last time you described the purpose of juxtaposition and enjambment in a piece of 19th century poetry;explained the significance of Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassination in starting World War I;conducted a randomised controlled trial about the most effective detergent for making bubble mixture and wrote up the accompanying scientific report,or made a clay sculpture and fired it in a kiln?

If you aren’t a literary critic,a historian,research scientist or commissioned artist,then I doubt you’ve done any of those recently. But that doesn’t mean studying English,history,science or art was worthless. The point of all those assignments and examinations was not just to write an essay or create a piece of art. The point was to make you into someone who could think logically,creatively,critically and insightfully about the world around you.

The purpose of study is not a product,but a person. As the Swiss education researcher Etienne Wenger put it,learning is “not just an accumulation of skills and information,but a process of becoming:to become a certain person,or to avoid becoming a certain person. We learn,not as an end in itself,but in the service of an identity”.

Each discipline we engage with shapes our minds and exposes us to ways of thinking we would not have had otherwise. Each gives us a sense for perceiving the world around us,and a language for describing and explaining what we see.

Mathematics is no different. Without maths at our side,there are countless patterns and realities in human society and its environment that will sail over our heads. One of the reasons I love being a teacher is that I get to equip my students so that they can go into the world with their eyes open,and this is critical to every field of human endeavour.

In his Australia Day Address,maths teacher and internet sensation Eddie Woo draws on personal experience to illustrate why he thinks education is the key to breaking down social barriers.

Keeping yourself safe online so that you can message your friends in privacy,or make secure purchases? Number theory and cryptography are the mathematical keys. Trying to design a city that efficiently moves people and traffic through its streets and walkways? This time it’s graph theory. Choosing the right balance of players to run on to the field for a grand final? Sports statistics. Understanding and devising solutions for our changing climate? Integral calculus. Finding lost treasure hidden on the ocean floor? Search theory. Whatever the question,mathematics has a hand in the answer.

We are at an unparalleled point in history where our everyday experiences are governed by mathematical structures. Doctors make medical diagnoses,judges decide criminal sentences,and actuaries set insurance premiums on the basis of algorithms and computing systems that all run on the principles of mathematics.

And they should - many of the problems we must solve are far too complex for any single human being to comprehend on their own. The industrial revolution devised mechanical muscles to work on tasks that we find physically impossible;the information revolution is devising mechanical minds to work on tasks that we find mentally impossible.

This is why mathematics is key to human flourishing. Just as advances in agriculture and industrial technology allowed us to feed masses and keep cities healthy,advances in mathematical thinking form the underpinning of modern society as we know it.

We all need to be part of shaping that future. We can only shape that which we understand,and we will only work to understand that which we value. This is the real reason why all of society needs to shift its view and see mathematics as truly vital.

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