Balcony Over Jerusalem review:John Lyons reporting on the state of Israel

Balcony Over Jerusalem

John Lyons with Sylvie Le Clezio

Balcony over Jerusalem. By John Lyons.

Balcony over Jerusalem. By John Lyons.Supplied


On the balcony of their house in Jerusalem,foreign correspondent John Lyons,his wife,Sylvie Le Clezio,and their son,Jack,watched history unfold."Our balcony became our private time machine. We could fast-forward from the biblical past to the troubled present. We would see tear gas being fired at Palestinians and rocks being thrown at Israeli soldiers."From this box seat,Lyons ventured out into the Middle East covering the war in Syria,the downfall of Colonel Gaddafi and the Arab Spring. But it is his reporting on the slow motion tragedy within Israel and the occupied territories,and the public relations war waged by the Israeli government and media to keep its citizens and the rest of the world in the dark that gives this engrossing book its spine and force."If the whole world could see the occupation up close,it would demand that it end tomorrow."

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