'Binge-watch'is Collins'Word of the Year

A dramatic change television viewing habits has led to"binge-watch"being named the Collins'Word of the Year 2015.

Lexicographers - the people who compile dictionaries - have seen a 200 per cent increase in its usage on last year as viewers watch TV shows in different ways.

Streaming video services such as Netflix has meant more people"binge-watching"than ever before.

Streaming video services such as Netflix has meant more people "binge-watching" than ever before.Andrew Harrer

A survey found that 92 per cent of British viewers admitted"binge-watching"- viewing more than three episodes of a series in one day - with 37 per cent having spent an entire weekend watching one show,according to digital video recording company Tivo.

This fits in with the CollinsDictionary.com definition:"To watch a large number of television programmes (especially all the shows from one series) in succession."

Jason Segal:a pin up for the"dad bod"lovers.

Jason Segal:a pin up for the "dad bod" lovers.

Other words that have been significant in 2015 include clean eating and dadbod.

A diet of"clean eating"refers to one which avoids processed foods and is heavy in raw and unrefined produce.

Male binge-watchers who do not watch their diet are in danger of developing a"dadbod"- a plump physique.

Anyone with a"dadbod"seen"manspreading"- sitting on public transport with legs widely spread - is in danger of being shamed.

Manspreading:a common problem for those on public transport. Illustration:Simon Letch

Manspreading:a common problem for those on public transport. Illustration:Simon Letch

"Shaming",often linked to body image issues on social media,has seen usage increase substantially since 2014.

Contemporary dating habits are also apparent in words noted by Collins this year,as a Tinder user may"swipe"someone attractive,but if it does not work out they may break off a relationship by"ghosting"their unfortunate partner.

Helen Newstead,head of language content at Collins,said:"The rise in usage of'binge-watch'is clearly linked to the biggest sea change in our viewing habits since the advent of the video recorder nearly 40 years ago."

All these words and their definitions appear in CollinsDictionary.com,while those that stand the test of time could be included in the next print edition of the Collins English Dictionary in 2018.

Other new words of the year announced by Collins and their definitions:

binge-watch:to watch a large number of television programmes (especially all the shows from one series) in succession.

clean eating:following a diet that contains only natural foods,and is low in sugar,salt,and fat.

contactless:referring to payments,smart cards,etc that utilise RFID (radio-frequency identity) technology and do not require a PIN or signature from the customer.

dadbod:an untoned and slightly plump male physique,especially one considered attractive.

ghosting:ending a relationship by ignoring all communication from the other person.

manspreading:the act or an instance of a male passenger in a bus or train splaying his legs in a way that denies space to the passenger sitting next to him.

shaming:attempting to embarrass a person or group by drawing attention to their perceived offence,especially on social media.


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