Say goodbye to Melbourne University Publishing as we know it

The University of Melbourne has a well-earned reputation as Australia’s leading university and is placed number 32 in the world in theTimes Higher Education rankings.

Melbourne University Publishing’s former chief executive Louise Adler.

Melbourne University Publishing’s former chief executive Louise Adler.Kate Geraghty

Melbourne University Publishing also has a well-earned reputation as Australia’s leading university press,and is well regarded internationally.

How then has it come about that this venerable university should decide to diminish MUP’s proud record by reducing it to a limited-scope academic publisher and put at risk its future?

What remains of the MUP board is now grappling with the direction given to it by newly appointed vice-chancellor Duncan Maskell to reset its mission as an academic publisher in finite and focused fields aligned with the university’s strengths.

MUP has also been directed to create an editorial advisory board made up of academics who will determine what is to be published.

Any reasonable interpretation of this directive is that MUP will become a publisher of works written by University of Melbourne academics and approved by University of Melbourne academics.

It is also reasonable to conclude that MUP's wider publishing of books of topical,social and cultural interest will be no longer.

The upshot of all this is that MUP as we know it will be unrecognisable,and a relatively small parochial publisher of University of Melbourne academic output will take its place.

In 2002 the university was concerned about the future of MUP and was determined to find a way forward in the rapidly changing publishing world.

It chose an enlightened approach,making MUP an independent company with an independent board,which then appointed an editorially independent publisher.

MUP Ltd’s constitution has among its objects,“Publish the best scholarly writing from Australia and overseas within and independent of the tertiary sector,” and,“Develop a book-based list of largely commissioned works for a wide readership and published in association with other publishers and institutions.

Since 2003,Louise Adler as CEO and publisher has pursued these objects assiduously and successfully to the board's satisfaction.

In parallel to an ongoing stream of academic monographs from academics from many universities,MUP has commissioned and published exceptional works from both academics and general writers who have demonstrated the ability to write well for the broader reading public.

A quick look at MUPs will provide ample evidence.

I detail all this to provide the context in which the decision of the University of Melbourne can be viewed. In addition to the sustained editorial achievement of MUP,the business and financial side has never been in better shape.

Historically high profits were achieved in 2017 and 2018,the cash position is sound,the backlist has been digitised and an online selling capability added,all of which ensure MUP has managed and can manage the winds of change in the publishing industry.

The ambition of academics to achieve scholarly publication is well understood,as it quite properly enhances their reputation,subsequent promotion and long-term careers.

The problem is there is simply not enough publishing capacity within university presses,or the broader publishing industry,to satisfy the demand and I doubt there ever will be. The frustration,disappointment and resentment of those who don’t make it is understandable.

The majority of academics and the general public do not have the gift of being an easily read writer. Most academic monographs sell in very small numbers due to both the subject matter and the restricted writing style.

Writing a book length work of 60,000-80,000 words is a really difficult task and very few successfully pull it off. If you have the gift of writing,then working with an editor will bring out the best and ensure there is a reading public for the work.

That’s what an experienced,quality publisher will do. That’s what MUP does.

David Malouf thoughtfully commented to me during my 20-year tenure as CEO of University of Queensland Press,“Writing doesn’t become literature until enough people have read it”. That is well worth reflecting upon when considering this imbroglio.

Given the gravity of what is planned for MUP,the communication from the new vice-chancellor has been minimal.

It began mid-December in the form of a brief phone call to me as chairman to advise I would receive a document detailing the university’s decision. Following a meeting of directors,further clarification was sought and the response was to do as directed,or consider your positions on the board.

This resulted in the resignation of the five independent directors and the CEO.

Until Professor Maskell’s long statement appeared inThe Australian's Higher Education Supplement this week,we had no knowledge of his views. The contrast between the civility of the former vice-chancellor,Glyn Davis,and the new one is marked.

Maskell’s public statement is layered in corporate speak,empty platitudes and in Don Watson’s parlance,“weasel words”.

In reality,what the vice-chancellor is doing in pursuing this course is ignoring the advice of the final report to council,which recommended otherwise,and inflicting immediate and lasting reputational damage on MUP.

What he doesn’t understand is that Australian authors seek to be published by someone they trust,respect and can work with,not by a hollowed-out shell without dynamism and energy and the capability to generate readership.

The damage that has been done to the good name of the University of Melbourne and to that of MUP troubles me. I feel for the good people who value both institutions and genuinely wish it could have been otherwise.

Laurie Muller is a former board member and chairman of MUP.

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