Leonardo DiCaprio's ingenious strategy for enduring mystique

A newHollywood Reporter profile on Leonardo DiCaprio has outed the actor's predilection for showbiz pretension:apparently crew members on his anticipated Quentin Tarantino filmOnce Upon a Time in... Hollywood were instructed to"avoid making eye contact"with him while on set.

"Don't look at me! How am I supposed to sit on a horse,or lean casually against this wall if you're looking at me!"It's the kind of ludicrous Hollywood detail that's been attached to numerous A-listers – Sylvester Stallone,Tom Cruise,Nicole Kidman,Christian Bale – as an indication of both their working intensity and their nutty remove from everyday normality. If a paramedic can work with an unwanted audience,surely an actor can.

Leonardo DiCaprio,Hollywood's man of mystery.

Leonardo DiCaprio,Hollywood's man of mystery.Vianney Le Caer/AP

The titbit does,however,raise an intriguing discussion:is DiCaprio,now an unholy 44,Hollywood's last old-school movie star?

To its point,the article describes him as a"Hollywood unicorn,able to gross hundreds of millions of dollars without wearing a cape,wielding a lightsaber or even having an agent",and compares him favourably to"waning megastars like Will Smith,Jennifer Lawrence and Robert Downey,Jr."

Ignoring the fact that two of those"waning megastars"have had successful,diverse careers pushing well into their fourth decades,while Lawrence has matched DiCaprio's Oscar count in about a third of the time,the claim has some validity:DiCaprio remains mysteriously successful (or successfully mysterious) in a way most of today's stars aren't.

There are the roles,the way he's eschewed the blockbuster excess ofTitanic (1997) for more considered choices in auteurist fare from filmmakers like Danny Boyle,Baz Luhrmann and Martin Scorsese. Personally,I've never bought DiCaprio's turns in Scorsese's work,a sly baby-face playing tormented toughs – I suspect Scorsese opportunistically hitched his apple wagon to DiCaprio's bankable cart to help,repeatedly,secure funding to make more movies – but I respect his taste,the fact he's thumbed his nose at an easy career filled with massive pay cheques for popcorn nonsense.

Also,much of it is access. On social media,for example,DiCaprio is more likely to link to an article on ecologically threatened porpoises or the plight of the Amazon's Waorani than offer an opinion on the latest Netflix blockbuster or viral trend. It's why a recent split-second red carpet answer,where he described HBO's teen dramaEuphoria as"amazing",can generate headlines for days.

DiCaprio as Rick Dalton in Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

DiCaprio as Rick Dalton in Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.Andrew Cooper/Sony-Columbia Pictures

"Who Told Leonardo DiCaprio About Euphoria?"Vulture rightfully asked,as the world wracked its brain trying to picture DiCaprio slumped on his sofa with a TV remote.

There's also his private life,which has remained impenetrable tabloid fodder since his mid-'90s teen stardom days. In 1998,Nancy Jo Sales'iconic article forNew York Magazine,titled"Leo,Prince of the City",established DiCaprio's party-boy reputation,a young buck running around Manhattan's clubs with his"Pussy Posse"(recently rechristened,in their older age,to the"Wolf Pack"),in an endless quest of fighting and frolicking and other f-words.

The world is aware of his fondness for supermodels and recent graduates – a viral graph uploaded to Reddit earlier this year was accurately titled"Leonardo DiCaprio Refuses to Date a Woman Over 25",complete with his dating history and its recurring quarter-century cut-off dates – and has seen him dad-dancing at Coachella,and yet his mystique remains. That's what happens when you avoid interviews and don't discuss your life publicly,an ingenius strategy overlooked by Hollywood's more affection-starved stars.

At a time of endless,unfiltered news about celebrities – their love lives,their bank balances,their opinions – DiCaprio's approach is refreshingly passé. As viewers,we can fill in the blanks on screen. Sure,his co-workers might not be able to look him in the eyes,but for the sake of movie magic,maybe that's for the best?

Robert Moran is Spectrum Deputy Editor at The Sydney Morning Herald.

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