'Dignity and respect':Hollywood A-listers back AIDS documentary

Cannes: Oscar-winning actor Julianne Moore said her experience of caring for someone with the AIDS virus spurred her decision to help promote the documentary5B.

Julianne Moore at Cannes.

Julianne Moore at Cannes.AP

The film,screened during the first week of the Cannes Film Festival,tells the story of Ward 5B at the San Francisco General Hospital,the first specialist care unit in the US for people with HIV/AIDS.

San Francisco General Hospital has been at the forefront of HIV/AIDS treatment and research. It was the hospital where Jeff Getty underwent a controversial transplant of baboon bone marrow to treat the disease in 1995.

In an interview at Cannes,Moore,58,said she lost a friend to the virus just after graduating from college.

"It was the end of 1984 and it was a friend who had gone to Mexico,and everyone said he had caught the flu – he died two weeks later and I was shocked,"Moore said.

Later on Moore,whose best known films includeMagnolia andThe Hours,came to help care for a friend with AIDS at a care unit in New York.

"By 1985 a lot of people I knew were sick ... and by'88 I was caring for somebody in a ward ... I saw this movie and was so incredibly moved,"she said.

The film delves into how nurses who saw a rise in patients with the condition decided to set up a care centre,dismayed by the lack of humanity many were shown at the time.

Cliff Morrison – one of the driving forces behind the treatment centre where the staff ignored ideas of clinical detachment and had physical contact with patients – said fear about the epidemic and suspicion about how it spread was one of the hurdles carers had to deal with.

5B co-director Dan Krauss at Cannes.

5B co-director Dan Krauss at Cannes.AP

"All of a sudden I found myself at a cocktail party and someone asked me what I did and everyone just spread back,"Harrison said as he discussed the film with Moore.

Dan Krauss,who co-directed the film with Paul Haggis,said5B had a message for viewers.

"It's about compassion and it's about dignity and it's about respect,"Krauss said.

"If we can inject that into the national conversation inside the United States and elsewhere,I think we will have accomplished something needed right now."

Every year,movie stars,models and the super rich attend a major HIV-AIDS fundraising event during the Cannes Film Festival,the AmfAR dinner,put on by the US-based Foundation For AIDS Research.

This year's event on May 23 comes afteran HIV-positive man in Britain became the second known adult worldwide to be cleared of the AIDS virus,according to his doctors,after he received a bone marrow transplant from an HIV-resistant donor.


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