Macquarie River to be cut off as'credit model'for water fails

The Macquarie River,one of the longest rivers in NSW,will cease to flow later this year after the Berejiklian government intervened to ensure dwindling flows are diverted to drought-hit towns such as Cobar and Nyngan.

The construction work to raise the weir at Warren to ensure diversions of about 50 million litres a day will all but ensure the Macquarie Marshes continue to dry up with little if any surface water remaining.

Steven Gibbs walks in a dry section of Lake Burrendong in western NSW,which is now below 5 per cent full.

Steven Gibbs walks in a dry section of Lake Burrendong in western NSW,which is now below 5 per cent full.Nick Moir

The project at Warren was part of a $78 million package of"critical drought initiatives"announced on Monday includes works to secure water supplies in the Upper Namoi,Peel and Border Rivers valleys.

“These communities,with a combined population of more than 180,000,are doing it the hardest,"Water Minister Melinda Pavey said."This infrastructure provides immediate benefit to the community."

According to WaterNSW,the steps were needed to"meet critical human needs"in towns such as Dubbo,Wellington,Narromine,Warren,Nyngan and Cobar. Natural flows on the Macquarie are expected to cease to between Burrendong Dam and the Macquarie Marshes by November.

Burrendong Dam is presently at 4.7 per cent of capacity even with transfers from Windermere Dam near Mudgee and more transfers are planned.

Director of Centre for Ecosystem Science at the University of NSW,Richard Kingsford,said the need to stop Macquarie's flows reflected a failure of planning and that too much water had been allocated to irrigators.

"If you get a worse period of rainfall[than predicted],you end up giving out more water than you have,"he said."Essentially they are using a credit model for water in the Macquarie."

Professor Kingsford worried that so-called temporary works could provide more opportunities to divert environmental flows from the river in the future.

He said however blocking the Macquarie should trigger the federal government's Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation act,given the Macquarie Marshes are a Ramsar site,a wetland site deemed to be of international importance and of high conservation value particularly for migratory birds.

TheHerald sought comment from the government on the EPBC act,and the impact of the Macquarie's halted flow on river ecosystems.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Planning,Industry and the Environment said its Energy Environment and Science division was"contributing to a real-time drought-related monitoring program to assess potential impacts downstream of the proposed works”.

The latest water woes come after the Herald reported Water Minister Melinda Pavey had accused the Natural Resources Commission of having a potential"conflict of interest"over criticism about reforms to the Barwon-Darling river.

That river,downstream of the Macquarie River,faced"collapse"over government mistakes that had brought forward drought conditions by three years in some places,the commission said last month. Minister Pavey,though,wrote to Commissioner John Keniry on Sunday"seeking a re-evaluation of the data"it used.

Chris Gambian,chief executive of Nature Conservation Council,said the government had failed to keep dams full enough even though they knew big droughts were becoming more common,pushing the wetlands"to the brink".

“The Marshes are in very poor shape now because they are not getting the water they need to survive,"Mr Gambian said.

“The wetlands have shrunk and the number of birds congregating there for breeding has plunged."

“Like other water users on the river,the Marshes have already had their water allocation slashed by 30 per cent,"Mr Gambian said,adding the government had"a moral obligation to keep this incredible ecosystem alive"and also international legal responsibilities to do so.

WaterNSW and the Department of Primary Industries were also approached for comment.

Peter Hannam wrote on environment issues for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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