Premier must adopt ICAC plan to clean up Murray-Darling water rights

Premier Gladys Berejiklian travelled to western NSW on Monday to show her concern for environmental damage caused by drought to the Murray-Darling Basin,but a recent report bythe Independent Commission Against Corruption has highlighted serious failings in her water policies which also require urgent attention.

The ICAC report was the conclusion of a three-year investigation sparked by a series of allegations,including those in an ABC TVFour Corners program in 2017 titled “Pumped:Who is benefiting from the billions spent on the Murray-Darling?”

Two ICAC secret investigations,known as Operation Avon and Operation Mezzo,looked at whether NSW government officials,including then Primary Industries Minister Katrina Hodgkinson and Water Minister Niall Blair,acted corruptly in at least 16 different cases stretching from 2011 to 2017. The common theme was that officials helped irrigators obtain high water allocations during the drought,ignoring their legal obligations to ensure minimum water supplies for the environment,Indigenous groups and towns. The excessive allocations caused rivers to stop flowing,contributing to mass fish kills and forcing the state government to take drinking water to towns when dams ran dry.

The good news in the ICAC report is that investigators found no evidence of corruption in the sense that officials or politicians had any personal motive for their decisions. The findings of the report should silence those critics of ICAC who sometimes claim that ICAC is all about muckraking and grandstanding. In this case,having conducted confidential inquiries,ICAC commissioners chose not to hold public hearings because they would add little and “risk undue prejudice to peoples’ reputations”.

Yet the absence of corruption findings does not put the government in the clear. The ICAC report concluded that the NSW government is failing to enforce laws on the Murray-Darling Basin and systematically favouring irrigators.

In effect,under pressure from the Nationals,NSW officials did everything in their power and even beyond as part of a “misguided effort to redress a perceived imbalance caused by the Basin Plan’s prioritisation of the environment’s needs”.

ICAC found this had “a detrimental effect on the public’s confidence in the ecologically sustainable,equitable,transparent and efficient management of the water sources of the state and in the integrity and good repute of public administration,more generally”.

For instance,ICAC found that Gavin Hanlon,former deputy director of the Department of Primary Industries for Water,broke the code of conduct and his employment contractual obligations when he leaked a clearly confidential memo from the Murray-Darling Basin Authority to a small group of irrigators. ICAC said the behaviour was serious and not a minor misdemeanour. But it did not make a finding of corruption because his subjective motivation was not improper and “he was doing what he thought was expected of him”.

The sting for Ms Berejiklian and her government is that ICAC has made 15 recommendations to promote the integrity and good repute of public administration in relation to water management. They include imposing clear bans on selective leaking of confidential documents to irrigators,funding for scientific audits of water use and better recruitment procedures to ensure officials in the water department are not too close to the irrigators’ lobby.

Ms Berejiklian on Monday returned 60,000 fish to the Darling which were bred to replace those killed during the drought. It is a fine gesture but the government has not yet responded to ICAC’s recommendations. She should make that her next priority and accept them all.

Note from the Editor

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