Scientists critical of Murray-Darling plan picked for fish-kill probe

Some of the most outspoken critics of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan have been selected for one of two independent probes into the recent fish kills,a move likely to ensure long-standing issues get a public airing,one of the scientists involved says.

The Australian Academy of Science - which took up a request by federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten to conduct a rapid-fire probe of the river system's health - has released some of the names of the expert panel it has assembled.

Graeme McCrabb,a Menindee resident,eyes some of the thousands of dead fish in the Darling River near the town.

Graeme McCrabb,a Menindee resident,eyes some of the thousands of dead fish in the Darling River near the town.Nick Moir

The list includes Quentin Grafton,a director at the Centre for Water Economics,Environment and
Policy,Australian National University,and John Williams,from ANU's Crawford School of Public Policy.

The two researchers have published extensively on the problems of the $13 billion Murray-Darling Basin Plan from its inception,including the reduction of environmental water savings well below the scientific estimates of that which was needed.

Another outspoken critic,Richard Kingsford,a professor of ecology and director of the Centre for Ecosystem Science at the University of NSW,is also on the expert panel. So is Tim Flannery,now a professor at the University of Melbourne,who has long campaigned on climate change - an element all but ignored in the basin plan.

The panel,to be chaired by Craig Moritz,a professor at the ANU's Centre for Biodiversity Analysis,aim to meet Tony Burke,Labor's shadow water minister,"as soon as practical",a letter from the academy to Mr Shorten reads.

"Their advice will be a synthesis of the best available knowledge and will be presented in a way that
makes it accessible to decision makers and the Australian people,"the letter,written by John Shine,the academy's president,says.

"It's time we got the truth out,"Professor Williams told the Herald.

Apart from the time constraint - the panel has been asked to supply its findings to Labor by February 10 - access to information will be critical for any scientific assessment,he said.

Professor Williams said a similar challenge would confront the Morrison government's own independent assessment into the fish kills.

Tony Burke,Labor's water spokesman,said the ALP welcomed the assembly of experts by the Academy at short notice.

"This expert group is well-placed to provide advice and consult with other scientists to get to the bottom of the fish kills,"said."It’s critical we get this advice as soon as possible."

Water Minister David Littleproud announced the federal government's own study,to be headed by former Bureau of Meteorology head Rob Vertessy,on Tuesday. That assessment is due for completion by February 20.

The twin probes begin as fisheries authorities in NSW brace for more fish die-offs amid stagnant river flows feeding blue-green algal outbreaks and another severe heatwave.

The NSW government on Tuesday said it was investigating the deaths of thousands of fish at Lake Inverell on the Macintyre River. That follows a series of fish kills,including as many as 1 million fish at Menindee on the lower Darling earlier this month.

Peter Hannam wrote on environment issues for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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