As we take stock,fire inquiries must be open to all

As heavy rains drench the east coast and bring some relief to our fire-ravaged state,there is opportunity to take stock and get started on contemplating the lessons in a season we would all rather forget.

High among those considerations,which must also include climate change,is hazard reduction,which seems to be a flashpoint for much unfiltered anger,confusion and division. Up and down the coast,you will findplenty of opinions about how much undergrowth was burnt via controlled reduction strategies before the fire season and how much should have been burnt. Others claim,just as forcefully,that the answer to forest fires is to allow grazing of cattle in national parks.

On Friday,theHerald revealed the first legal action arising from the summer,with six farmers arguing a massive bushfire in northern NSW could have been prevented if more hazard reduction had been allowed.

One of those involved in the action said fuel loads in the area had been allowed to reach dangerous levels because “everyone is too scared to burn anything”.

"I could see that the trouble was building for a number of years,it was just too dangerous and so this was always going to happen,"said beef farmer Tony Brazier,who runs about 600 head of Angus cattle.

He believes that since the prohibition of cattle grazing in national parks,the fire threat has increased.

Interestingly,the lawyer representing the farmers told theHerald some plaintiffs were seeking compensation,while others wanted to see significant changes made to land clearing policies.

A court is clearly the right place for the first,but the second may well be decided well before a legal action. The various commissions of inquiry into the fires by state and federal governments will be crucial to getting to the truth of this vexed issue.

So far,it appears the federal government’sroyal commission will be framed in terms of federal-state relations:whether the federal government can intervene to call a national emergency,for example,and analysis of the at-times conflicting ideals of national and state parks management,which has ramifications for hazard reduction strategies.

In NSW,the state government has commissionedan inquiry to consider the causes,impacts and response to the fires against the backdrop of climate change,fuel loads and drought. This will involve examination of hazard reduction policies and efforts,and whether those strategies are sufficient or useful. Premier Gladys Berejiklian has said the inquiry “will leave no stone unturned”.

And in Victoria,the state government has begunan inquiry into the preparations and responses to the 2019-20 fires. It is being led by the state’s Inspector General for Emergency Management,an independent authority created in the aftermath of the catastrophic Black Saturday bushfires of 2009.

The fires in this state have raged for months. Years of exceptional drought have sapped moisture from the soil and caused trees to shed thousands of tonnes of branches and bark,rendering forests into tinderboxes.

How much of the potential fuel load was reduced through controlled burn-offs last year is worth considering. But as NSW Rural Fire Service Commission Shane Fitzsimmons has said,it was not possible to do all the planned burn-offs due to the early onset of fire weather conditions.

Commissioner Fitzsimmons has warned that using fire to reduce forest fuel loads is “not the panacea” some people might think it is. As well,a 2002 parliamentary issues paper noted there was “no simple answer to the issue of fuel reduction burning”. Controlled burn-offs are not suitable in all forest types,nor in all terrains. Fire breaks,though,can be helpful to reduce the impact of fire.

The various inquiries might generate overlap and,possibly,some conflicting outcomes. They may not provide definitive answers. But the public has a right to observe these hearings in their entirety. NSW lived through the horror fire season together,so should jointly share in the assessment of the lessons to be applied for the future. Ms Berejiklian says she is confident the inquiry will be comprehensive and robust – we certainly hope the discussion of the report and the response to it is equally so.

Good governance and public interest demands these hearings be open and accessible to all,because that is the best way of reinforcing the community’s confidence in the accountability process and any future decisions that must be made.

Since the Herald was first published in 1831,the editorial team has believed it important to express a considered view on the issues of the day for readers,always putting the public interest first.

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