Restoring trust is an urgent challenge for next government

Investigative journalist and columnist

For some time now Australian voters have turned away from major parties in favour of independents and minority parties. Tired of years of spin,scandals,internal disunity and dysfunction,trust has been breached.

This election is shaping up as a replay of the last few with the polls predicting the winner will scrape over the line,be it Labor's Bill Shorten or the Coalition's Scott Morrison. A hung parliament or minority government based on crafty preference deals could well be the outcome.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten slug it out during the election campaign.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten slug it out during the election campaign.Alex Ellinghausen

Unlike the past few elections this one is less Seinfeldian than the last. Headline policy differences this time are on meaty issues including climate change,education,health and tax issues.

But there are other policy differences that have received less airplay which are also important and need to be considered. They include wage fraud,the financial services sector,whistleblower protections and oversight of the Australian Taxation Office.

In all of them a common theme is rebuilding trust.

Take financial services. Both parties agree trust needs to be restored to the sector after a string of scandals culminated in a banking royal commission in 2018 that produced a set of recommendations in February 2019. While both major parties have agreed to accept the bulk of the recommendations,there are differences.

Commissioner Kenneth Hayne QC asks Nulis trustee Nicole Smith if she ever contemplated that "taking money to which there was no entitlement raised a question of the criminal law?

For instance,Commissioner Kenneth Hayne in his final report recommended a ban on grandfathered commissions to eliminate conflicted remuneration. The Coalition wants to give the financial planning industry until January 2021 to phase them out,while Labor wants them gone by January 2020,which is a few months away.

In mortgage broking,Hayne called for a ban on all commissions,including trailing commissions. Labor backs the ban on trailing commissions in respect of new loans,while the Coalition has kicked any decision down the road for three years,when it said it will review them then.

Hayne's calls for industry codes,including life insurance,to be mandatory and enforceable have been embraced by Labor but the Coalition is yet to commit. Again,mandatory and voluntary codes will have big implications on industry.

Labor has also gone further than the royal commission’s recommendations in a number of important ways. For instance it pledged a $640 million"banking fairness fund"to be funded by a levy paid to financial institutions among Australia’s top 100 listed companies,including the big four banks,Macquarie,AMP and IOOF,and the levy would be linked to each entity’s market capitalisation.

Labor has said $320 million would be used to double the number of publicly funded financial counsellors to 1000 to give victims of financial misconduct assess to the legal system and help in fighting the institutions. They estimated this would help 125,000 people a year.

The Coalition rejects this on the basis it believes the external dispute resolution body the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) should suffice.

Whistleblower overhaul

When it comes to whistleblower policies,the major parties are poles apart. Just beforethe election campaign Labor promised a suite of reforms to whistleblower protections,including introducing a United States-style whistleblower reward system.

Other reforms include a protection authority,the appointment of a special prosecutor to go after corporate crooks and an overhaul of the current whistleblower laws into a single whistleblowing act.

The Coalition described these policies as"wacky"and said it had done enough to protect and compensate whistleblowers.

But given the treatment of Australian Taxation Office whistleblower Richard Boyle who lost his job and is facing the equivalent of six life sentences,or 161 years in jail,if he is found guilty,it would be an understatement to say there is still a way to go to deal with whistleblowers.

Whistleblower Richard Boyle speaks out about the ATO.

Another big difference relates to payday lending. It has been more than three years years since the Coalition received a set of recommendations for reform but has sat on the legislation.

While it sat on those reforms,an estimated 3 million payday loans worth $1.85 billion have been written,according to Digital Finance Analytics. This translates to a net profit of about $250 million for lenders.

Then there is the issue of wage fraud which has become a scourge of this country. Earlier in the week Shorten pledged to set up a small claims tribunal to help workers paid below award wages or not paid their entitlements.

Shorten said the tribunal would have the power to enforce employers to repay workers what they are owed. It would operate alongside the Fair Work Commission and adjudicate on claims up to $100,000 per worker.

It follows a string of wage theft scandals where workers,have been left high and dry.

Chatime is embroiled in underpayment issues

Chatime is embroiled in underpayment issuesShutterstock

The latest was bubble tea operator Chatime,which is estimated to have underpaid workers up to $6 million in its corporate stores and many millions more across its franchise network.

If set up properly,this tribunal could become a powerful weapon in fighting wage theft,but it would need to address issues such as vulnerable workers on visas too afraid to come forward or workers who have been paid in cash and don’t have the payroll records to prove the rip off.

The $170 billion franchise sector is another big ticket area in need of reform after thousands of family businesses have gone to the wall due to an imbalance of power and inherent conflicts of interest.

A recent parliamentary inquiry recommended beefed up powers to the regulator and a re-write of the franchising code.

Both parties have agreed to back the appointment of a taskforce to advise on the various recommendations but the devil will be in the detail.

Ditto for the Australian Taxation Office,which needs an overhaul,particularly in its treatment of small business.

Both sides of politics have acknowledged a need for change.

Labor has promised to implement an independent second commissioner inside the ATO to conduct independent reviews of the its behaviour.

The loss of trust in business and politics is a phenomenon not limited to Australia. It is global and it is a matter of urgency.

It has also backed the Coalition’s decision to set up an external small business tax tribunal.

The loss of trust in business and politics is a phenomenon not limited to Australia. It is global and fixing it is a matter of urgency. Let’s hope whoever wins the federal election understands that and takes immediate action.

Adele Ferguson is a Gold Walkley Award winning investigative journalist. She reports and comments on companies,markets and the economy.

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