Style My Way with Satu Vänskä

How would you describe your style?
It changes from an eccentric preppy to boho beach to evening elegant. It really depends on where I am and what I am doing.

Satu Vänskä.

Satu Vänskä. Ben Sullivan

What is the oldest thing in your wardrobe?
Cowboy boots I bought in Italy when I was a student some 20 years ago. I went hungry for a month,but I still wear them,so they must have been worth it.

What is the most recent item you bought?
A lovely sweatshirt from Leon&Harper when I was on tour in Paris.

What would you wear …
… on a first date? Nothing too girly,something slightly gamine and a little bit boyish. Probably capri pants and an ankle boot.
… on a plane? Black. Something comfortable such as well-tailored,culottes-style pants and a nice cashmere knit,so if your luggage gets lost you don’t look like you’re in your pyjamas.
... to the Oscars? A vintage dress from the 1960s.

What is your favourite fashion decade?
The 1930s and ’40s,that era when women like Katharine Hepburn and Greta Garbo wore sort of mannish clothes. That look is incredibly elegant.

Do you have a favourite fashion designer?

I don’t look at the designer when I’m buying something,I look at what I like. However,I seem to have quite a few pieces by American designer Ulla Johnson and a disproportionate number of Scanlan Theodore clothes.

How about a favourite fragrance?
I love perfume. It’s always something spicy and grassy. Lately I’ve been wearing Bon Parfumeur 701.

A 10-year-old Satu at a dress-up party in Japan.

A 10-year-old Satu at a dress-up party in Japan.Courtesy of Satu Vänskä

What are three essential items in your wardrobe?
First,a hat – a fedora or panama,though I also love a beret or newsboy cap. Second would be ankle boots,and third a really cool pair of shorts.

Can you remember a favourite outfit you had as a child?
There was a hideous neon T-shirt that was a hand-me-down from my older sister. I was so happy to finally have it,I wore it to death.

And your worst fashion mistake when you were young?Wearing really unflattering baggy clothes as a teenager in the ’90s – we all looked like we were out of Nirvana. I was even wearing my dad’s old jeans at some point … and dark-brown lip liner for special occasions.

What would you buy if money were no object?
A temperature-controlled cabinet full of artisan,custom-made perfume.

What would you never wear?
You wouldn’t see me dead in Crocs. But also,you’d never see me alive in Louboutin patent platform pumps.

Can you remember your first fashion moment?
We had a vintage shop in my neighbourhood in Finland and I befriended the lady there. I went so often she let me swap pieces,one leather jacket for another the next week. That’s where I discovered the trench coat,and how it looked fantastic with boots. I felt like a grown-up wearing that;I was maybe 14.

What’s your favourite off-duty,casual-Sunday look?
Usually a high-waisted short with a top that’s a little bit croppy and has some sort of interesting pattern on it,a big hat,sunnies and sandals,if I need them.

This article appears inSunday Life magazine within theSun-Herald and theSunday Age on sale December 1.

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