Muscle memory means you won't lose fitness gains in lockdown

When Todd Liubinskas snapped his leg playing football 10 years ago,he experienced muscle memory in action.

After eight weeks off in a boot,he regained his fitness within several weeks of training again.

Todd Liubinskas in his gym in Five Dock,Sydney.

Todd Liubinskas in his gym in Five Dock,Sydney.Janie Barrett

“That’s just because of the amount of work I put in before that,” says the 36-year-old founder 440 and co-owner of Complete Strength and Performance in Sydney’s Five Dock.

Liubinskas had a solid fitness base to return to,and today he doesn’t worry about losing his strength now his gym has closed due to the COVID-19 restrictions,despite his weekly training sessions dropping “maybe 15 per cent”.

New research suggests that,even for novices who are unable to train right now,fitness gains will not be lost when they return to the gym.

The small study,published inMedicine and Science in Sport and Exercise,saw 19 healthy but inactive young men and women undergo a 10-week leg strength training program using just one of their legs.

The volunteers then stopped training for 20 weeks before they returned to the gym for an “acute” strength session using both their legs. After the session,the researchers,from the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences,took muscle biopsies from both legs.

They found the “memory leg” – which had undergone an intensive training program – was significantly stronger than the control leg,preserving about 50 per cent of its strength even after 20 weeks of not training.

“It is well-accepted that the nervous system has a ‘memory’ to previous motor patterns,but
this study adds to emerging evidence that the concept of ‘muscle memory’ also occurs at the
molecular level within muscle cells,” says Timothy Davies,a lecturer in the School of Health Sciences at the University of Sydney. “Muscle function can return to normal after around 3-4 weeks in young subjects. It can be as long as four months in the elderly depending on current training status.”

Anthony Blazevich is a Professor in Biomechanics in the School of Medical and Health Sciences at Edith Cowan University,and the director of the Centre for Exercise and Sports Science Research.

“Absolutely there is this thing called muscle memory,” he says. “So if you did a couple of years strength training when you were younger and then waited 10 years we still think you have this capacity to increase your muscle mass faster than if you hadn’t done it before and certainly your strength should increase faster. It’s the same with aerobic fitness.”

Join Melbourne fitness trainer Elka Elarcosa for her tailored 20 minute homework while gyms are closed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Just how long this ‘memory’ lasts and whether it depends on how long you trained for initially is unclear.

“Hypothetically,the longer you train and the bigger you can get your muscles at some point in your life,the longer that aspect should last and the faster that mechanism will work when you start training after a break,” Professor Blazevich says.

The muscular and neural memory aspects of training are promising especially in a time like this when people either have extra time to build up their fitness or are struggling to exercise with the closure of gyms.

Those who are exercising less can rest assured that their muscle memory will kick into gear,while those who can put extra time into their fitness and strength right now can enjoy the gains later on.

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Sarah Berry is a lifestyle and health writer at The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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