Time for a reset? Sign up to our Live Well newsletter

As our cities open up and we look forward to getting back into regular routine,many of us will be looking to hit refresh on our health and fitness. Perhaps you're returning to the gym after a long break,or maybe you've swapped your one-hour commute for an ocean dip (lucky you!). Whatever your health goals may be,you can find practical tips and expert advice in our weekly newsletter,Live Well,launching today.

Live Well will deliver stories on personal health,fitness,nutrition and relationships to your inbox each Monday. It aims to cut through the noise that's become synonymous with the wellness space,empower you to achieve more balance,and even be a little kinder to yourself. After this year,we deserve it. In today's newsletter,personal trainer and contributor Sam Downing has writtena guide for getting back to the gym,sensibly and injury-free. We also heard from lifestyle reporter Samantha Selinger-Morris,who wrote about herreturn to jogging after an eight-year hiatus. And there's an interesting piece onpost-lockdown anxiety (and how to deal if you're not quite ready to return to your pre-pandemic social life). Plus,there's a crackerrecipe for a mango pudding that's sure to ward off any Monday blues.

You can sign up to our Live Well newsletter sent every Monday,here forThe Sydney Morning Herald,here forThe Age,here forBrisbane Times andhere forWAtoday. And if you've got an idea,or feel like getting in touch,email us atlivewell@smh.com.au orlivewell@theage.com.au.

Get a little more outta life

Start your week with practical tips and expert advice to help you make the most of your personal health,relationships,fitness and nutrition. Sign up to our Live Well newsletter sent every Monday,here forThe Sydney Morning Herald,here forThe Age,here forBrisbane Times andhere forWAtoday.

Julia Naughton is the Head of Life - Culture,Lifestyle and Travel

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