Yes,the pandemic can affect your skin. Here’s how

Beauty may only be skin deep,but when your skin is suffering as a result of pandemic-related stress,it’s another blow that can feel a little hard to face.

That’s been the case for hairdresser Taylah Simpson,26,who has been battling skin issues as she’s felt the strain of lockdown restrictions and a see-sawing work life.

Taylah Simpson’s skin has improved after she sought treatment and pandemic-related stress lifted.

Taylah Simpson’s skin has improved after she sought treatment and pandemic-related stress lifted.Meredith O’Shea

“I was OK at the start,but the last long lockdown we had in Melbourne,the one that finished in October,I definitely struggled,” she says.

Simpson says she’s been dealing with clogged pores and lumps under the skin on her face,which she attributes to stress. At times that’s left her lacking in confidence and wanting to cover up with make-up – even though she knows it will exacerbate the problem.

She started emailing Dental and Skin Clinic,in Melbourne’s East Bentleigh,for advice and booked in a consult after lockdown.

The clinic’s founder,Dr Rita Trakhtman,says the pandemic has had a noticeable effect with many clients seeking help because of stress-related skin problems such as cystic acne. Another common issue has been ‘maskne’ (mask acne).

Taylah Simpson says her skin flared up during the stress of the sixth lockdown.

Taylah Simpson says her skin flared up during the stress of the sixth lockdown.Supplied

She says Zoom has also made people more conscious of appearance. “I think everyone feels like they’ve aged a bit in the last two years.”

Dr Jo-Ann See,a dermatologist and fellow of The Australasian College of Dermatologists,works at Central Sydney Dermatology in the heart of the CBD and says the pandemic is not the first stressful event to lead to widespread skin issues.

“I actually saw this with the global financial crisis. So when the GFC hit I saw a tonne of people with really bad eczema and psoriasis,” says See.

She says many people missed face-to-face appointments during the worst of the pandemic. “We’re[now] seeing a lot of people who say ‘I really wanted to see you but I was too frightened to come’.”

As See explains,the pandemic presented a multitude of pressures:(Will I get COVID? How will I get my groceries? Will I lose my job?) and that leads to an increase in our levels of cortisol,the stress hormone.

“And that affects our skin byincreasing inflammation,increasing sebum – so oil – and it can also lead to an impaired wound healing and resistance to infection,” See says.

That can make certain skin diseases worse,she says.

“So things like acne,rosacea,eczema,psoriasis,seborrheic dermatitis – which we often see as dandruff – that triggers that or worsens it.

“For instance I see a lot of acne and rosacea,and that’s worse with stress but also it’s worse with wearing a mask.”

So if your skin is suffering,what should you do?

See says the first thing is to avoid Dr Google. “I’ve had a lot of patients self-treat,which has been a disaster.”

Instead,book an appointment with your GP or a dermatologist,and get a real-life diagnosis so a treatment plan can be formulated.

For those whose skin is affected by stress,a holistic response is ideal,says See.

“I’m saying to patients,look at what’s happening in your life,look at your stress,how can you make that better? And they will say to me,‘you know what,I like a walk,I like pilates,I like this…’”

Dr Deshan Sebaratnam,a dermatologist and UNSW senior lecturer,says in times of stress,it’s usually not just one thing that changes.

“You might not be so good with your diet;you might not be so good with your exercise and a lot of other things.”

He recommends pinpointing what’s contributing to the stress,and reversing – or at least lessening – it wherever possible. “I think that’s good not just for your skin,but your body overall.”

As for Taylah Simpson,she’s trying her best to keep stress at bay. “I just generally try to stay not stressed and not overthink things too much.”

She’s had a range of treatments and has a new skincare routine.

“I try to stay on top of it,it’s definitely better but I have still got a bit of a way to go I think.”

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Larissa Ham is a reporter and digital producer.

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