How to ensure your children learn effectively while home-schooling

Candice and Mike Meisels are among many parents around Australia now navigating the world of home schooling while working.

Three of the five Meisels children are in primary school. “I do worry that the kids will miss out on work,especially as my five-year-old daughter is just learning to read,” Ms Meisels says.

Candice Meisels at home with children Talya,2,Abby,5,Hannah,7 and Chloe,9.

Candice Meisels at home with children Talya,2,Abby,5,Hannah,7 and Chloe,9.Rhett Wyman

But Home Education Association president Karen Chegwidden says thousands of Australian parents have been teaching their kids at home effectively for many years.

Here are some expert tips to help kids learn at home.

Preschool children

At this age,learning looks a lot like play. University of Newcastle lecturer in education Dr David Roy says parents need to keep preschoolers active,whether playing catch or tidying up toys.

“All those physical movements stimulate the neurons in the brain,” he says.

Many parents are being trust into home-schooling duties as COVID-19 spreads. Here are some tips to tackle it gracefully.

Dr Selina Samuels,from online tutoring service Cluey Learning,says parents can develop their kids’ numeracy by talking about numbers when playing. For literacy,parents just need to read with kids – and keep changing books so they aren't reading simply from memory.

Ms Chegwidden suggests working on kids’ fine motor skills by painting or playing with Lego or playdough. She says young children also need to practise social interaction,which they can do by playing turn-taking games. Kids can also be involved in household chores.

She recommends scattering activities around the home to keep kids busy. “Have some little workstations that they can wander between.”

Primary school children

Primary students will be supplied with work by their school. Dr Samuels says structure and routine will help set them up for home learning.

Families should set aside a specific learning space,she says,and primary students shouldn’t spend more than three hours a day on schoolwork,split into chunks of 40 minutes at most.

“Start at the same time every day[and] make sure everybody’s wearing clothes,not pyjamas.”

Dr Roy suggests stretching kids in their reading. “If they’ve read Roald Dahl,move them onto Matthew Reilly or J.K. Rowling or C.S. Lewis.”

Ebooks are available online,from sites such as Epic! kids’ digital library.

Dr Roy also suggests downloading maths games,such as Math Vs Zombies. And parents can print out work-sheets and other activities on Twinkl and Teach Starter.

Other popular educational websites include Khan Academy,Reading Eggs,Mathletics,National Geographic Kids,Minecraft Education,Code.Org and Duolingo for languages.

High school children

With high school students,it’s more about supervision than teaching. Dr Roy suggests that parents check in with their kids every hour and ask what they’ve been doing.

“If they can explain it to you,it means they have a depth of understanding,” he says.

Victorian and NSW education departments have resources online,while sites such as IXL offer subscription-based learning. Other useful websites include Eddie Woo’s YouTube channel for maths,Tinkercad for designing and creating,and Encounter Edu for science and exploration.

For struggling high school students,the first person to contact is their teacher. There’s also one-on-one tutoring available online.

“Parents can allow other people to be the expert,” Dr Samuels says.

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