I wonder if the new life inside me knows the chaos it's coming into

Soft mounds rise and fall in my belly. It’s the subtle dance of new life inside me and I wonder if it knows the chaos it's coming into.

For some,pregnancy without a pandemic can be a confronting enough concept. Stories of friends’ miscarriages or difficult labours have at times plagued me. My partner and I tried for just five months before we got pregnant,so we count ourselves lucky.

The majority of Nicole Precel's pregnancy has been during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The majority of Nicole Precel's pregnancy has been during the COVID-19 pandemic.Simone Ruggiero

Before COVID-19 hit Australia,I’d already had to wear face masks to protect our growing baby from acrid bushfire smoke wafting from NSW and Gippsland into Melbourne's CBD.

Then the ugly smear of an unknown virus that was killing thousands overseas began spreading. There was little known about its effect on pregnant women. In New York women were giving birth without a birth partner and the uncertainty was taxing. Pregnant women are told to avoid stress,which seems like almost an impossible task during the health crisis of our time.

Since the start of the pandemic,PANDA’s National Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Helpline has experienced a 20 per cent increase in calls from expecting and new parents struggling with mental health issues. Between April and June,34 per cent of all callers reported that their mental health is being significantly affected by COVID-19.

In the beginning,it was stressful even going to the hospital. I'd wear a face mask and my temperature was taken on arrival. I'd vigorously hand sanitise and my partner would warn me not to touch anything,as he wasn't allowed into appointments due to COVID-19.

I'd record the baby's heartbeat during my outpatient appointments and then sit in the car outside the hospital,explaining what we'd gone through and listening to the light thudding,or looking through ultrasound pictures with my partner who had been patiently waiting for me. Those first few months are nerve-racking because you never quite know what will happen at an appointment and whether you'll find out if something has gone wrong.

Royal Women's Hospital director of maternity Jenny Ryan recognises this:"It can be really difficult going to an ultrasound on your own – for many women it’s a special moment that they want to share with their partner. That adaptation is something that is new for people."

Then restrictions eased and for a few weeks I thought we'd escaped the brunt of the pandemic.

My partner had been allowed into a few ultrasound scans. Still wearing masks,he beamed,so happy to see our little tacker spinning and flicking its limbs. Although not a DHHS guideline,different hospitals set their own rules tailored to ensuring the safety of staff and patients.

The Royal Women's Hospital eased restrictions and two support people were allowed in a birthing suite.

Now,as the second wave sweeps metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire,and at 36 weeks,it seems I'll be giving birth under stage 3 restrictions. Will my partner be present at the birth? Will our parents be allowed to visit? What happens if we get sick in the lead-up and the doctors and midwives have to wear full personal protective equipment? But I've come to terms with the realities. Two support people have been reduced to one again. The birthing partner must also wear a mask and can no longer use the waiting room. As Ryan says,“they are in it for the long haul”.

PANDA CEO Julie Borninkhof gives some tips for expecting or new mothers and fathers who are facing a new chapter of life during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Almost six months since COVID-19 began spreading,there is still very little known about its impact on pregnant women. The US Centers for Disease Control and Preventionrecently released a report that found pregnant women may be at increased risk for severe COVID-19.

But researcher Dr Clare Whitehead from the Royal Women’s Hospital says she thinks this isn't the case. Whitehead has spearheaded a national registry of 28 Australian maternity hospitals alongside Dr Kirsten Palmer from Monash Health anda research project to try to improve the limited evidence on the impact of coronavirus on mothers and babies. Since March there have been 50 pregnant women in Australia who have contracted COVID-19.

"I think,on the whole,the outcome from a pregnancy point of view is pretty reassuring,
the outcomes if you catch it when you are pregnant seem to be very similar to if you're not pregnant,"she says.

They are working closely with researchers in Britain,Europe and the US to contribute their information into a global understanding.

She also says pregnant women shouldn't be deterred from coming to hospital for their antenatal appointments.

Mordialloc mum Frances Domingo gave birth to her baby Minda at the start of the first lockdown in Melbourne.

Mordialloc mum Frances Domingo gave birth to her baby Minda at the start of the first lockdown in Melbourne.Supplied

"There's a lot of procedures that's gone into making sure people are safe and healthy. I think we've put good structures in place for pregnant women."

Mordialloc new mother Frances Domingo went into labour at Jessie McPherson Private Hospital in Clayton on March 24.

“When we arrived at the hospital,the lockdown strategies weren't entirely in place yet,everything was much stricter by the time we were discharged five days later,” she says.

But Domingo’s husband,Chris,was the only one allowed in the birthing suite.

“My obstetrician said the last patient had been bawling her eyes out because she wasn't going to be able to bring her son to the hospital,she was going to have to leave him with someone.”

Only having one person in the birthing suite can be a challenge for some people,due to cultural reasons,not having the support of a doula or the inability to have sons or daughters visit.

“It was a bit strange being in lockdown with a newborn. In a way,it was good because I really appreciated the quiet time to bond with my baby,” she says.

“But what was hard was not having that face-to-face advice when you want it. We had no maternal health visits at all. We only had phone calls,no one saw[my daughter] Minda in person between her birth and when I took her in to get weighed at four to five weeks.”

PANDA CEO Julie Borninkhof says they'd seen an increase in Victorian-based callers with the second lockdown announced."We're expecting that rate to rise,"she says.

Parenting groups have also been migrated online. Borninkhof says it was important people reached out to friends,support networks or agencies like PANDA.

"There are so many disruptions and things that can trigger the way that you cope with life,your ability to be resilient,"she said.

"We allow people to check in and find out how they're travelling,we're able to connect them up with localised services and supports when they need that."

For me there have been positives to being in a lockdown;I've had the privilege of throwing up in my own toilet when I've been nauseous,of wearing leggings all day and of working comfortably in the weeks before my maternity leave kicks in. I've also had my partner working from home,which has meant we've had more time to"nest"together.

Amid the outside chaos,the dance of new life continues. As my partner keeps saying,global health crisis or not,this baby is coming out.

If you feel you need support you can contactPANDA,Monday to Friday between 9am -7.30pm on 1300 726 306 orBeyondBlue on 1300 224 636.

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Nicole Precel is an education reporter at The Age. She was previously an audio video producer. She is also a documentary maker.

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