The office manifesto:10 simple rules for workplace happiness

Hands up if you are pleased to be back at work. Oh,come on,someone must be. Here’s my view:most jobs are not so bad,it’s just the unnecessary hurdles that are put in our way. At the start of the working year,I offer 10 modest proposals for making office life more tolerable.

An end to the word “boss”: I’ve seen the most reasonable people turn into monsters. All it took was for somebody to say “congratulations,you’re the new boss.” It was meant as a noun but heard as a verb. “Oh goody. My job is now to boss everyone else around.” Ditto the arms race of executive titles:the “chief executive officer”,“vice president in charge of...” and “worldwide head of transformations”,each title more thrusting and gleaming than the last. I vote for a return to the self-effacing “general manager”,the most senior manager among a team of managers,all with the modest but necessary task of balancing the expectations of staff,customers,community and owners.

We propose an end to the word ‘boss’ in the office,which should please David Brent.

We propose an end to the word ‘boss’ in the office,which should please David Brent.

A “use it or lose it” policy for the office fridge: Everything that enters the fridge must carry a date. You then have three days to take home the 1) bottle of chardonnay 2) packet of prosciutto or 3) ham sandwich. If not,it’s up for grabs. “Half a wheel of camembert? Don’t mind if I do.” It may sound harsh,but only this way can we avoid a fridge wall-to-wall with expired Hokkien noodles.

No eating at your desk: If it’s a Vegemite sandwich,we may allow it. But tuna? Garlic prawns? Limburger cheese on crackers? Come on mate,you’re having a lend.

A printer/photocopier support squad on every floor:I see this squad as similar to the swat teams in prisons:they are armed and ready to go at the first sign of trouble. “Paper jam in machine 4”. The words would boom from a speaker in their office. Or,more likely,“Inexplicable problem in machine 5,even though the staff have refilled the paper,inserted a new toner cartridge,then switched it off and on ten times over”. Out would come the swat team,at a run,replacing the machine with a working one,before racing back to their workshop. Sure,it would be expensive,but compare it to the current situation:day after day,groups of employees standing around a dead machine,pushing buttons at random,getting madder by the moment,their work sitting uncompleted.

Novelty ringtones on mobile phones: No. Just no.

Tuna at your desk? You’re a monster.

Tuna at your desk? You’re a monster.Istock

The middle-aged man dishwasher detail:Can tasks really be allocated to one gender,and one age group,in this equal opportunity world of 2023? I believe so. Unless compelled,the middle-aged man will often leave the dishwasher duties to others. “I’ll do it next week,” he’ll mutter to himself,and so it goes for 52 weeks in a row. And yet – cue a choir of angels - once forced,the middle-aged man will be thrilled to do this work. He knows he does it so much better than others. He’s seen how poorly the dishwasher is stacked at home. Don’t these people know the big plates go on the outside,the small ones in the middle? Don’t they know that if you put a big knife in the cutlery slot,it will stop the water arm from spinning? What a joy to see it finally done properly. By one of their own. Every single time. The middle-aged man may need to be led to water,but once there,oh will he drink.

A quiet word to the loud: It’s difficult to chide a co-worker for the way they yell into their phone. It’s embarrassing to say “quieten down” when they’re describing their weekend at high volume. That’s why every desk will be fitted with a small decibel monitor which – at a certain level – will discreetly ping and display the words “inside voice please.” No worries. Don’t thank me. Problem solved.

Mothball the ping-pong table:And the free donuts. And the employee of the month certificates. All employees want the same things:a measure of respect,power over what they do,a pay packet that reflects their utility,and some flexibility over the location and timing of their work. Those free donuts? In the absence of everything else,it feels there’s something missing in the middle.

No emails at night:The best employees have a full life. By spending time with children,friends and partners,by coaching soccer teams and shopping at the supermarket,they better understand how the world works. They need time to have that life.

The phrase “quiet please” shouldn’t be restricted to the Australian Open.

The phrase “quiet please” shouldn’t be restricted to the Australian Open.Istock

Decommission the “reply all” button: If it’s an email to four people,you can “reply all”. But not when it’s to the whole office. Especially after the first 20 “reply all’ messages result in another 20 enraged ‘reply all’ messages saying:“could everyone please stop hitting ‘reply all’“.

These,in conclusion,are modest proposals. Most are cost neutral. And they’d make most of us would feel better about the year ahead.

Hands up if you agree. Ah,now that’s more like it.

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Richard Glover is a columnist.

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