This shame isn't for the young and powerless to bear,it's not ours

This week,the Australian actor Yael Stone appeared on 7:30 and inThe New York Times to discuss allegations that she endured months of insidious harassment while performing alongside Geoffrey Rush on stage. Among her allegations are the following:

Actor Geoffrey Rush has denied allegations of lewd and inappropriate behaviour levelled against him by Orange Is The New Black star Yael Stone.

It goes without saying that I believe Stone. Despite popular opinion,fame and money are rarely the rewards for making such allegations.

Adding weight to it is the testimony of friends and family who remember Stone reporting these things to them after she met Rush and began working with him in 2011. Her diary entries from that time also correlate with her allegations. Geoffrey Rush has denied all allegations.

Stone said last night that she sent Rush an email outlining last year her discomfort at his hands and hoped it would start a dialogue that might lead him to recognise the impact of his behaviour. He didn’t respond.

Instead,he told the newspaper:“Clearly Yael has been upset on occasion by the spirited enthusiasm I generally bring to my work. I sincerely and deeply regret if I have caused her any distress. This,most certainly,has never been my intention.”

Yes. “Spirited enthusiasm."

Stone was 25 years and relatively unknown when she was cast alongside Rush in 2011. He was 59,with a considerable career in the industry,an Academy Award and the measurable power of someone whose status as"national artistic treasure"guarantees to put bums on seats in theatres.

As Stone told theTimes: “There was no part of my brain considering speaking to anyone in any official capacity. This was a huge star.

“What were they going to do? Fire Geoffrey and keep me?”

There’s a lot of hand wringing and paranoia about the impact of#MeToo. Claims that it’s going too far and that good men’s lives are being ruined are obnoxious and unsupported by evidence,but they make for a convenient rebuttal to those who believe men have a responsibility to change their behaviour,and to cease hiding behind power and privilege in their interactions with the women in their orbit who have significantly less of both of those.

Stone has articulated these complexities with grace,courage and immense dignity.

She told Leigh Sales,"I would add that consent is very complicated. And almost impossible in a dynamic where the power is so drastically imbalanced.

"And I would say in any working environment,where there is that imbalance of power,the subordinate doesn't have a great opportunity for expressing themselves freely. So the onus is on the more powerful person not to put the subordinate in that position."

But all too frequently,the people who hold the least power in these situations (who are most often women) are held accountable later on for"failing"to appropriately deal with or stand up to those who hold the most power (who are most often men).

Geoffrey Rush and Yael Stone worked together in 2011 on'Diary of a Madman'.

Geoffrey Rush and Yael Stone worked together in 2011 on 'Diary of a Madman'.Nick Moir,ABC

That it's these women who have to jeopardise their careers and reputations when they've done nothing wrong,because they implicitly understand (and have been proven to be right by women who've gone before them) that there are rarely consequences for men whose careers and reputations are considered"important".

There is another element to why women stay silent,and it's touched on by Stone in her recollection of the fallout from Rush (allegedly) spying on her in the shower. FromThe New York Times:

“Ms Stone herself does not remember screaming. Indeed,she laughed at the idea that she would have risked upsetting Mr Rush in any way.'I said some words to the effect of,‘Bugger off,Geoffrey.’ I was walking a very delicate line where I needed to manage these uncomfortable moments but never,never offend him.'”

Preserving the egos of people with more power than us is something many of us learn early on.

This response is not always gendered. It's ignorance of power dynamics that leads people to think extricating yourself from these situations is as simple as being firm and walking away. After all,how often do you think men laugh along uncomfortably when their workplace superiors are being sexist or bullying them?

Speaking out against the people who control our incomes is bloody hard. Preserving the egos of people with more power than us is something many of us learn early on.

When Louis CK was forced to admit to the long-standing allegations against him,I wrote:

"Women might unwillingly stay in rooms with men committing egregious or sordid acts of abuse for reasons related to their own shock or fear,but one reason we definitely stay in those rooms is to preserve the male ego.

"We have spent our whole lives learning not to embarrass men,and our education has been so effective that not even them repeatedly embarrassing us seems to be able to shake those lessons off."

I have been in similar situations. I've encouraged certain dynamics because I wasn't sure how to say no. Like Stone,I have held on to shame for this because how could I not have known better? But this shame isn't for the young and powerless to bear. It is not ours.

Stone was 25. Rush was 59. It wasn't her responsibility to ensure her workplace was safe for her. It wasn't her responsibility to ensure she didn't"confuse"Rush. He was an adult twice her age. He knew better and he exploited the power imbalance despite that.

Women are not the gatekeepers of men's behaviour. We might play along sometimes. That doesn't mean we like it. And it sure as hell doesn't mean we deserve it.


Clementine Ford is a best-selling author and feminist commentator. Her book,'Boys Will Be Boys',is out now.

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