To my girl and her fabulous emerging generation

Senior writer

My Darling Girl,

Every day I see the extraordinary potential,smarts and energy in your emerging generation of young women;watching and listening to you and your peers fills me with huge optimism.

Fourteen and 15-year-old girls have changed a bit since I was one. Politically engaged (especially with issues around justice and fairness),environmentally aware,and confident enough to be strident when it counts,your lot should have unlimited opportunity to fly.

New research suggests girls become less confident as they progress through their teens,on International Women's Day,let's hope this,emerging generation defies that.

New research suggests girls become less confident as they progress through their teens,on International Women's Day,let's hope this,emerging generation defies that.Stocksy

Rather than presenting yourselves with what a boy might like in mind,you dress for your own enjoyment – op shop or secondhand-market mash-ups,comfortable shoes (clumpy runners) and oversized brother hand-me-down jumpers as fashion statements – where were you when we disco-aspirational 15-year-olds needed you?

It is obvious that you and your friends have grown up seeing yourselves as equals with your (thoughtful and lovely) male school friends.

You don't regard them as people around whom you need to perform an exaggerated"femininity",nor do they make you feel you should. This is progress,and your generation has helped to make it. So far,all of you seem to have avoided falling into externally determined roles – keep up the good work.

Even so,it is clear we have left you with challenges.

Research by Plan International Australia,out on Friday,shows that while 50 per cent of 10 to 12-year-old girls in a sample size of 2000 feel they are "brave",the rate drops to 28 per cent for 17-year-old girls. By the age of 22 to 25,it falls again to just 18 per cent.

It is as if,while strong girls like you are learning how to flex their muscles as they leave childhood for adolescence,and realising they can have impact,as you grow older the world outside your sturdy peer group intervenes and this confidence is chipped away.

I feel I am among a large army of mothers (and fathers) who,having struggled to make you feel equally entitled to everything as your (awesome) older brothers,wants to disrupt any downward trajectory in the self-belief of our girls.

Here is what I want for you.

Assume your view and your interests matter exactly as much as the next man's,and,if having worked as hard as him you are not progressing as fast,take the kind of risk a bloke of my generation might take and look for another job.

Never slip into the"traditional"gender role of pleaser,peacemaker or appeaser:this is a hiding to nothing.

Dare to not seek everyone's approval. My lot wanted to be seen as"good girls"to far too great an extent;"take it or leave it"is a better approach.

"Fake it till you make it",if you absolutely must,but assume you are not faking it:you are as skilled,competent and worthy of occupying space as anyone. Please,never waste time slashing through the jungles of"impostor syndrome". It is a con!

Take yourself seriously. It influences the way others see and treat you. Also,not to do so is selling yourself short.

As soon as you hit the workforce,take a read of the culture in your workplace and learn to survive and thrive in it,by stealth if you have to. Where we cried in the toilets,we want you to fight back instead.

Network shamelessly,and not just with women. Do not limit yourself to an all-female ghetto of contacts in whatever your chosen field. Self-deprecation is so 1985,on this one,do as I say,not as I do.

Choose your life partner with extreme care. No amount of lust at first sight justifies decades as the primary carer of the sink,the stove and the vacuum. If you ignore me on this,I will haunt you from beyond the grave.

Do not see emotion as a weakness. Trust it,never allow it to be used against you,consider it your superpower. Be just suspicious enough of other people's motives,and do not consider that to be a character flaw. Your trust and respect should be earned.

Please,never allow imposed standards of beauty,sexual availability (pliability),or the instinctive readiness to comply for the sake of a smooth run – something that has remained with my generation – to turn your head. Instead,please continue as you are at 15,our fierce,and fearless girls.

Wendy Tuohy is a senior writer focusing on social issues and those impacting women and girls.

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