More steakhouses,more shopping:DC's makeover with President Trump

The cultural fabric of Washington DC warps and weaves with every new president. What can residents of the US capital expect from the Trump era?

On a Friday afternoon this past northern spring in Washington DC,at a bar across the street from the White House,a group of young conservative journalists gathered for drinks. It was just a few months after Donald Trump's inauguration,but even after a couple of pear martinis,no one seemed in a festive mood. Two said they no longer regarded themselves as conservative. This was surprising,because they all worked for the investigative reporting branch of The Daily Caller, a once-scrappy libertarian news website now regarded as one of the more mainstream voices on the American right. Their guy had won! Shouldn't they have been celebrating?

"I felt really uncomfortable with what he said about women,"said Rachel Stoltzfoos with a sigh,referring to who-you-know saying you-know-what. And yet,the 27-year-old explained,she couldn't bring herself to vote for Hillary Clinton. This was in part because Stoltzfoos is motivated politically by a single issue,abortion – or,more precisely,the case against it.

Donald Trump,changing the Washington culture.

Donald Trump,changing the Washington culture.Javier Munoz

"I wouldn't call myself a Republican,"said Geoffrey Ingersoll,the site's managing editor,who explained he'd had his start in the"liberal New York media"after four years of military service. And editor-in-chief Christopher Bedford shrugged when asked about how his life in Washington had changed since Trump's election. It hadn't changed much,he said,perhaps because Trump was way behind in filling his administration's ranks.

Up the eastern seaboard,in New York,friends describe a city altered utterly by the election – and not only because the First Family's continued residence at Trump Tower led to enduring gridlock in midtown (Melania and Barron belatedly moved into the White House on June 11). The word"funereal"has come up in conversation more than once. I assumed the capital would be coping better with change,as an influx of Republican blood coursed through the city's famously confusing street grid. But if even those aligned with the right seemed dispirited,how must the rest of Washington – 91 per cent of which voted for Clinton – feel?

In a speech last October about ethics reform,Trump,as usual,said a lot of inaccurate things. But he also hit on a truth – one which the Founding Fathers tried to hide – when he announced that"it is time to drain the swamp in Washington,DC". The extent of the city's swampiness remains an issue of debate:a slightly defensive 2014 piece inThe Washington Posttouted its"well-drained terraces and hills";another story marvelled at its"firm and dry riverbank". But it is,as any lost pedestrian will tell you,very much terraqueous,situated by a river,the Potomac,which George Washington once described as containing"an inexhaustible fund of manure". (He meant it as a compliment,but feel free to insert a joke about politicians here.)

Like Canberra,Washington was a slightly isolated location for a capital,born out of compromise by a young but already squabbling government. In 1790,the new Secretary of State,Thomas Jefferson,invited fellow Founders James Madison and Alexander Hamilton to his residence in New York,then the seat of power,to figure out how to solve a deadlock in Congress. In what historian Ted Widmer wrote"might have been the most consequential dinner in American history",the three men figured out how to please both an unhappy North,which wanted the government to take on state debts in order to strengthen Wall Street,and South,which desired a capital less rife with Yankees. In a quip 172 years later,borrowed from an unknown source,John F. Kennedy damned the resulting city as possessing"Northern charm and Southern efficiency".

President John Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy greet composer Igor Stravinsky at a White House dinner in 1962.

President John Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy greet composer Igor Stravinsky at a White House dinner in 1962.Popperfoto

Although Jefferson later called the arrangement the worst political mistake of his life,neither he nor JFK should have been so harsh on the place. That's because Washington DC (which stands for District of Columbia,with the two names used interchangeably),also like Canberra,is relentlessly verdant and livable. And its residents are furious that the rest of the country uses their home town as shorthand for ineptitude and corruption.

"When I think of DC I think of beautiful green space,wonderful culture,and diversity,"says lifelong resident and former NBC News Capitol Hill correspondent Luke Russert. The city's racial make-up is notable in that from the late 1950s until 2011,it was majority black. Russert continues:"There's a certain understanding calm in the people,as opposed to New York City dwellers being so brash and Bostonians only talking about their sports teams."Or,as local rapper Wale put it succinctly in his 2009 collaboration with Lady Gaga,"DC chillin'."

Some of its inhabitants – and presidents – are chiller than others. When Bill Clinton arrived in 1993,his sax stylings and Fleetwood Mac'sDon't Stop (Thinking About Tomorrow) echoing in voters'ears,Russert,who was 10 at the time,recalls the city"seeming younger"than it did under the first Bush. It remained a complicated place at that point,segregated by class and race,and only one of the city's four quadrants,NE,had gentrified. In the decades leading up to Clinton's electoral win,Washington had seen major race riots and come close to bankruptcy. Just three years earlier,the city's mayor,Marion Barry,had been videotaped smoking crack cocaine. (Following six months in prison,Barry was re-elected in 1994.) Yet by Clinton's time,the greater DC area also had the highest percentage of college-educated women in America,and the surrounding suburbs were some of the nation's most affluent pockets. The growth trajectory continued. Once both Bushes were done,many former military and governmental functions had been privatised,leading to an abundance of lobbying firms which in turn made the city much wealthier.

Onwards and upwards,the pump was primed for the Obama presidency,which,no matter your politics,everyone agrees transformed the city's social scene. Perhaps even more than the American healthcare system,it was due for a shake-up. Luke Russert's mother,Maureen Orth,has written about Washington DC inVanity Fair for many years. In May 1964,she even dined on the presidential yacht with Jackie Kennedy. Mrs Kennedy,Orth has written,"set a standard against which social behaviour[in DC] is still measured. Her White House was a locus of beauty,taste and excellence."Consider the guest list at a dinner the Kennedys threw for French author and cultural minister André Malraux in May 1962:Tennessee Williams,Arthur Miller,Saul Bellow,Mark Rothko,George Balanchine,Leonard Bernstein and Robert Lowell. Twelve days prior,the First Couple had entertained 49 Nobel Prize winners in a single evening.

The Obamas also brought glamour,but theirs was not the high-walled Camelot kind. Instead,they were the catalysts of an urban renaissance,as an influx of highly educated young people spread out to different neighbourhoods beyond the NE quadrant,with federal and private investment trailing in their wake. The city's professional class traditionally congregated in the tree-lined streets of Georgetown,a preppy enclave of Ralph Lauren polos and pink shorts. But Georgetown was never diverse;the lack of Metro transit access ensured it was a playground only for the wealthy. In the Obama era,the centre of social gravity shifted away from Georgetown,and neighbourhoods like Logan Circle,H Street,Navy Yard and Brookland became the places to be.

"A friend joked to me the other day that H Street is so safe now,Republicans go there!"says Russert. (The humour is a little obscure,but you get the idea.) The new-found trendiness of specific suburbs aside,one thing in the Obama era was clear."DC was cool all of a sudden,"says Natalie Washington,no relation,an Australian-born Pilates teacher who has lived in the area for 17 years.

In the Obama era,the centre of social gravity shifted.

She gets a little misty-eyed describing the"positive energy",and the explosion of new restaurants,bars and nightlife,which came with the Obamas. By way of contrast,Washington recalls a night out soon after she arrived in 2001 with some fellow Australians,flight attendants who suggested going to a club in the SE quadrant. Such was the reputation of the crime-ridden area that at first a taxi driver refused to take her there. Once he'd agreed to the trip,the driver insisted that he would wait outside the club – which was in a dilapidated building next to an abandoned lot – until she got inside."I turned around when I reached the door and he'd sped off!"Washington says. Now,she points out,SE is home to the family-friendly Nationals baseball park,as well as a clutch of glass and steel condo developments boasting swimming pools and roof decks for upwardly mobile 20-somethings.

SE is also where many of the city's best new restaurants are located,like Pineapple and Pearls,which serves a $370 prepaid tasting menu. In 2016,recognising Washington's burgeoning dining scene,Bon Appétitnamed it Restaurant City of the Year,and Michelin decided it was worthy of its own guide. The rapid gentrification of so many parts of the city was helped along by the young and active First Family,who enjoyed dinners out at both BLT Steak and Oyamel Cocina Mexicana,a Mexican restaurant owned by vocal Donald Trump critic José Andrés;trips to the independent bookstore Politics&Prose;and,for Michelle,workouts at boutique fitness chains like SoulCycle. As Vincent Gray,the city's mayor during much of the Obama administration,told The New York Times recently,"[the Obamas'] presence in the city brought a level of dynamism that just wasn't there before".

After he moved into the White House in January,Trump's first excursion was not adventurous:he went to BLT Prime,the restaurant in the hotel bearing his name. Trump ordered his favourite food,which is a well-done steak with tomato sauce. TheWashington Post's restaurant critic,Tom Sietsma,was outraged,writing:"For real,Mr President? In a market where residents can practically point to a spot on a globe and find a nearby dining room that serves its cuisine?"

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner live in DC's most exclusive area,Kalorama.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner live in DC's most exclusive area,Kalorama.Getty Images

Ivanka Trump,who is serving as an advisor to her father,has shown more curiosity about the city,and has been seen at a handful of high-end Italian places and cafes. But it's unclear how long she and husband Jared Kushner will stay in Washington.The New York Times recently reportedthey are evaluating every six months whether they will move back to their home in New York. Perhaps the less than warm welcome has had an impact. When,shortly after moving there,Ivanka tried out the $49-a-class group fitness workout at Solidcore,owner Anne Mahlum posted on Facebook that she had requested a meeting with the First Daughter."While I don't know her and I always seek to understand,"Mahlum wrote,"I do know her father is threatening the rights of many of my beloved clients and coaches and as a business owner,I take my responsibility to protect and fight for my people very seriously."The post went viral,and Ivanka hasn't been spotted at any gyms since.

Washingtonians must endure both Republican and Democratic administrations,and speak proudly of their respect for political norms and professionalism regardless of party affiliation."Even if we disagree with the president we always respect him"is the line you hear a lot. And it's true,people here are unfailingly courteous. But that doesn't mean politics isn't talked about all the time:a recent catch-up at the bar of the Tabard Inn,a ramshackle 1800s townhouse teeming with political types,turned into a good-natured debate with strangers about the likelihood of Trump's collusion with Russia.

Yet Natalie Washington,the Pilates teacher,says that many of her clients,usually keen to debrief on the news of the day,refuse to talk about politics any more. Some complain of trouble sleeping because they are so worried about the man in charge of the nuclear codes."And we're not even represented!"she says,referring to the fact that the Washington's famously liberal populace does not elect a voting member of Congress. (DC license plates read"taxation without representation".)

There's a sense of trying to do what they can to push back against an administration most vehemently disagree with."I think it's fair to say Trump as a resident is forgotten and those who work for him are looked at as either crazy or very loyal foot soldiers trying to protect America,"says Russert. A friend of mine describes herself as suffering from"protest fatigue". This spring,she faced a full calendar of guests flying into town for a varied number of causes,beginning with the Women's March,followed by the impromptu travel ban protests,the Day Without Immigrants,the Tax March,the People's Climate March,the May Day protest,a gathering outside the White House gates following the announcement that the US was withdrawing from the Paris Agreement,and most recently,on June 3,the March for Truth,which called for an impartial investigation into Russia's involvement in the presidential election.

Tensions are heightened even when Trump isn't involved. On May 17,supporters of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan launched what local police called a"brutal attack"on protesters outside the Turkish ambassador's residence. Eleven people were injured,and two Secret Service agents were also assaulted while Erdogan sat in the back of a diplomatic convoy across the street. What made the incident all the more surreal was that it happened in the midst of the august line of diplomatic compounds known as"Embassy Row".

Michelle and Barack Obama brought a cool glamour to Washington DC.

Michelle and Barack Obama brought a cool glamour to Washington DC.Getty Images

Around the corner from the Turkish Embassy,in the city's most exclusive neighbourhood of Kalorama,Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are renting a mansion from a Chilean billionaire at $20,100 a month. Just three minutes'walk away,the Obamas have purchased a $10.7-million home. They'll be in the city at least until their youngest daughter Sasha finishes high school. The Obamas'purchase is now the second-most expensive in the suburb,after the $30.5 million that Jeff Bezos,the founder of Amazon,paid for the 2500-square-metre former Textile Museum. It's an East Coast pied-à-terre for Bezos,who purchasedThe Washington Postin 2013. Still,his purchase might represent the crest of a new era for Washington,defined by the presence of the super wealthy.

According to Wealth-X,an information services company,there are now 34 billionaires within a 40-kilometre radius of Washington. This is a significant development for a place populated by public servants,and which is used to seeing itself as firmly middle class. Luxury property prices,defined by the top 5 per cent of sales,have increased by 33 per cent in the last year,among the largest rises in the country. Retail is also changing rapidly. In a city never known for its fashion sense – Washington is Hollywood for ugly people,or so the trope goes – the arrival of luxury open-air mall CityCenterDC three years ago raised eyebrows. Now its Hermès,Louis Vuitton and Dior stores seem apropos. Whereas Michelle Obama was known for her high street finds and J.Crew cardigans,Melania Trump loves European brands and wore a $67,000 Dolce&Gabanna jacket on her first overseas trip.

One reason why luxury might be making a comeback in Washington:according to estimates by Bloomberg News,the net worth of Trump's cabinet is $8 billion. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross jnr and Linda McMahon,who runs the Small Business Administration,are together worth $5.4 billion. Compare that to Obama,who during his 2012 re-election campaign,told voters that he and Michelle had paid off their student loans just eight years before. For a city newly characterised by comfortable affluence but nonetheless uncomfortable with gratuitous displays of wealth,Trump and his cabinet are in uncharted territory. No wonder young reporters only a few years out of college themselves,living in newly nice neighbourhoods like Capitol Hill,aren't quite ready to join the party.

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