Same-sex marriage was one of the policies scrutinised.

Same-sex marriage was one of the policies scrutinised.Credit:AAP

The decision by the Turnbull government to hold a postal vote on same sex marriage drew fire from both think tanks. Per Capita noted:“The government is in fact able to amend marriage legislation without a public referendum.” And the IPA agreed:“The decision to proceed with a national vote appears to have been a political decision.”

In fact,in 18 out of the 20 case studies looked at,the think tank’s delivered “remarkably similar” verdicts.

Both awarded a score of just 2 out of 10 to the federal decision to create the Home Affairs mega portfolio last year. The IPA said there was “notably a lack of formal consultation with stakeholders” about the move,which was “specifically against the recommendation of an earlier review into the matter".

The director of policy at the IPA,Simon Breheny,said the research revealed common agreement that government decisions were too often “made on the fly”.


“The IPA was proud to participate in this project alongside Per Capita,” Mr Breheny said. “Good policy process – from actually undertaking cost-benefit analysis to having a detailed plan for how a policy will be rolled out – is not a left-right issue;it is an issue of basic competency.”

A proper cost-benefit analysis was absent in 17 out of the 20 policies looked at.

“In an era of declining public trust in politicians,democracy and institutions,it is essential now more than ever that policymaking is undertaken in a thorough and consultative manner,” Mr Breheny said.

The executive director of Per Capita Australia,Emma Dawson,agreed:“Per Capita was pleased to participate in the project,alongside the Institute of Public Affairs.

“While no policy analysis can be completely free of ideological perspective,this project demonstrates that there are several elements that should be common to all well-conceived and implemented policies.”

On company tax cuts,both think tanks agreed the government had identified a need for reform. The traditionally left-leaning Per Capita acknowledged that:“The government did present evidence that Australia’s corporate tax rate was uncompetitive and required policy attention.” However,the IPA noted the Turnbull government's decision to abandon Tony Abbott's Better Tax white paper:"The Government does not appear to have created a full policy design framework,including stating the objectives and goals,delivery mechanisms,performance measures and evaluation plans."

Both think tanks expressed concerns about the policy process behind the 2016 announcement of a $50 billion plan to build 12 new submarines in South Australia,with the support of a French company. “The decision to build the submarines in Australia,while popular particularly in South Australia,does not appear to have been substantiated by the evidence and could raise serious cost and capability risks for the program,” according to the IPA.

Former NSW Treasury Secretary,Percy Allan,who personally funded the research,along with EY and the Susan McKinnon Foundation,said that despite politicians often believing the contrary,abiding by a rigorous policy development processes was,in fact,a vote winning move.

“Governments lose support because of half-baked policies foisted onto an unwitting public which provokes a backlash,” Mr Allan said.

“A more productive and popular path is to target real community needs through fact-gathering and citizen-input when crafting a policy. That removes the element of surprise and wins consensus.”

The idea for the study grew out of a summit held last year by the newDemocracy Foundation – a research group looking at ways to'do democracy better'. The steering committee for the research project,which includes ASX company chairman Glenn Barnes and the chief executive of the Australian Council of Social Services,Cassandra Goldie,is calling on major political parties to commit to implement"evidence-based"policy processes,similar to the Wiltshire test.

Executive director of newDemocracy Foundation Iain Walker.

Executive director of newDemocracy Foundation Iain Walker.Credit:Louise Kennerley

The executive director of newDemocracy Foundation,Iain Walker,said the concept of evidence-based policy making was poorly understood but crucial to the proper functioning of democracy."Evidence-based policy making is a phrase everyone likes to use with no agreed standard of what it actually is,"Mr Walker said.

"If we can have parties agree to some basic standards in the policy process,then we are one step closer to being able to make more widely trusted decisions at all levels of government."

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