Drivers queue for COVID tests at Bondi Beach on Tuesday.

Drivers queue for COVID tests at Bondi Beach on Tuesday.Credit:Anna Kucera

Greg Granger,Histopath’s director of strategic operations,said at least 10 of his 50 sites across NSW have reached capacity with supply of test kits running low and the heat putting “unbearable pressure” on staff.

"We are trying to shuffle staff around because we have thousands filling up the testing sites at Mascot and the airport,"he said."We are moving people to different clinics and staff are not coping in hot weather and wrapped in layers of PPE. They are calling in sick. The heat and the demand on the testing clinics is really the perfect storm."

Mr Granger said about 10,000 tests run through Histopath's labs each day are for people travelling interstate and overseas,making up about 20 per cent of all tests processed.

Anyone from NSW,Victoria and the ACT requires a negative PCR test within 72 hours of arrival into other jurisdictions. This is leading to thousands of people queuing for asymptomatic tests to go on holidays — not because they’re sick.

Scott Morrison was in Bribie Island in Queensland on Tuesday morning.

Scott Morrison was in Bribie Island in Queensland on Tuesday morning.Credit:James Brickwood

NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant urged people without symptoms and who aren’t travelling to use rapid antigen tests instead of taking PCR tests,adding testing clinics need to “prioritise testing for higher value cases with symptoms”.

Ahead of a national cabinet meeting on Wednesday todiscuss mask mandates and the vaccine booster program,Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the time for heavy-handed government mandates is over and backed individuals to make responsible decisions on wearing masks.


Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly has written to premiers and chief ministers to advise that “masks should be mandated in all indoor settings including retail,hospitality when not eating or drinking,and entertainment facilities”.

Mr Morrison said it was"very sensible"to wear face masks indoors,but added that"Australians don't need to be dictated to every few minutes by governments about how they have to live".

"In NSW,people are already wearing masks,"he said."As a country,we have got to get past the heavy hand of government,and we have got to treat Australians like adults and we all have our own responsibility in our communities and for our own health.

"We're going into a new phase and that new phase is one of a culture of responsibility rather than a culture of control and a culture of mandates and letting Australians live with this virus responsibly."

Meanwhile,Pazar Food Collective restaurant in Sydney's inner-west announced it is closing until January 13,citing the mass cancellations ahead of Christmas as people seek to avoid becoming close contacts and winding up having to isolate.

The NSWgovernment is against increasing the areas where mask wearing is mandatory for citizens. Instead,it is appealing to people’s common sense to wear them when they can’t physically distance in crowded situations.

Doherty Institute director Sharon Lewin said she supported mask mandates in some indoor areas.

"In an ideal world,of course we trust that people will do the right thing,"she said."However,rules are changing constantly. People are confused."


Another issue on the agenda at the national cabinet meeting will be considering whether to change the definition of “fully vaccinated” to include three doses.

NSW recorded 3057 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday,an increase from 2501 on Monday. There are 284 people in hospital,compared to 261 the day before. Of this number,39 people are in ICU compared to 33 people on Monday. Two people died with the virus.

In September,during the peak of the Delta outbreak,there were 1266 patients with COVID in NSW hospitals and 244 in intensive care.

The high rates of testing in NSW continued,with 136,972 people getting a swab up to 8pm on Monday.

Victoria recorded 1245 cases on Tuesday,along with six deaths of people who also had the virus.

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